Sunday, February 20, 2005

With Friends Like This Piece Of Dogs***, POTUS Doesn't Really Need Enemies Like Us

The New York Times, Drudge, and others today report on The President's betrayal by his old Christian buddy and confidante Doug Wead. I won't go into the stories. Doug Wead is lower than a snake's sphincter. He secretly taped conversations he had with George W. Bush in the late nineties. The President discussed his religious views, gay tolerance, drug use, and other matters. Wead says he recorded the conversations because he viewed Mr. Bush as a historic figure. Since Wead has a new book coming out about presidential childhoods, he will benefit from the publicity, but that was not his motive in disclosing the tapes. Yeah.

Mister President, I know how much you value confidentiality. I salute you for not having this treacherous little weasel bumped off. I'm not sure I could have exhibited the same forebearance. Wead still claims friendship and affection for The President. This guy makes Linda Tripp look like a paragon of virtue. If we're going to sink POTUS, let's do it by fair means. . .Lord knows, there must be some real dirt out there!

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