Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The FBI And Others Spied On Activist Groups

According to the New York Times today, "counterterrorism agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation have conducted numerous surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations that involved, at least indirectly, groups active in causes as diverse as the environment, animal cruelty and poverty relief, newly disclosed agency records show."

One F.B.I. document indicates the Feebs wanted to conduct surveillance of a "Vegan Community Project." Another document discusses the Catholic Workers group's "semi-communistic ideology." Yet another document outlines the bureau's interest in a protest over llama fur planned by P.E.T.A. Greenpeace's name also appears in the documents. "Semi-communistic ideology" is the sort of phrase that makes you wonder if perhaps the Ghost Of J. Edgar Hoover isn't back in charge?

Click on the title of this post to read the sordid story in the New York Times.

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