Thursday, May 23, 2013

President Obama again denies role in White House press orgy

By Pablo Fanque
National Affairs Ed.

Figure 1 — photographic proof The President was involved in the briefing room outrage

The White House yesterday denied, on three separate occasions (ala Saint Peter), that President Obama led a degenerate, Caligula-style orgy in the West Wing press briefing room.  This is Meet The Press taken to the next level.

The story has been widely quoted in social media, including several blogs and websites that appear to believe the story from The Onion, is true. . .these sites, naturally, call for a bloodletting at the Very Highest Levels. 

"Eyewitness accounts confirmed that as the reporters continued ravenously copulating on top of one another, Obama ripped off his shirt, leaned back in a large golden chair, and was attended to by a bevy of 23-year-old political bloggers who eagerly satisfied his every sensual whim." - The Onion, May 22
The Onion, May 22 article quotes BHO: “This is a day of excess! So now, release yourselves from your attire and surrender your body and mind to the pleasures of thevita carnalis, and to the sheer majesty of the human flesh.” 
“Do not resist,” the president continued. “Avail yourself of every journalist and cameraman in this room!”

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