Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Friday, June 13, 2014

Van Gogh's Ear

By Jack Brummet, Painting Ed.

December 30, 1888: "'Last Sunday night at half past eleven a painter named Vincent Van Gogh, appeared at the maison de tolérance No 1, asked for a girl called Rachel, and handed her ... his ear with these words: 'Keep this object like a treasure.' Then he disappeared. The police, informed of these events, which could only be the work of an unfortunate madman, looked the next morning for this individual, whom they found in bed with scarcely a sign of life. The poor man was taken to hospital without delay."


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cenacolo di Foligno (The last supper a/k/a sleeping at the last supper) by Pietro Perugino

The Last Supper Fresco by Pietro Perugino (b. 1450, Citta della Pieve, d. 1523, Perugia)

According to The Wikipedia, Cenacolo di Foligno, pained in 1493-96 is located in the ex-convent of the Tertiary Franciscans of Foligno, transformed into the "Conservatory of poor and honest girls" in 1980 after the transfer of the nuns. The fresco was rediscovered in 1845 and attributed at first to Raphael, but recent critics have unanimously agreed it was the work of Perugino, dating it between 1493-96. The idea has also been advanced that it was painted over another fresco of the same theme by Neri di Bicci (1419-1491).

click to enlarge

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Poem: The Painting

By Jack Brummet

The figure you brushed in,
Stuck under static skies,
Wants off the canvas.
He will not be your Man With Blue Banjo anymore.
He wants to be what he will be,
Not sailing scumbled seas
Under impasto thunderheads.

He is tired of the dark sun.
He wants to lie down and rest.

No news comes from a far country.
The real estate around him —
A confabulation of blue and red stone —
Chills in an un-harbored sea.

The black sun was pushed, fell, or jumped,
To shine back upon itself.

He knows the sun will never set.
He cannot open his mouth to scream.
The oars will never move.

The island of color
Will always be eight inches away
And the boat
Will always be sinking.

The tattered sails hang in the wind.
The next day refuses to begin.
He clutches that blue banjo
As his ship tilts toward heaven.

Started 1997, finished 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pablo Picasso's Painting Authentication

By Jack Brummet, Visual Arts Ed.

I heard a good story about Pablo Picasso on the radio today.  When an unsigned painting appeared, and resembled his style, Picasso was asked to authenticate and sign it. If he liked the painting, he would sign , whether it was his or not.  I'm pretty sure there was a  payment involved.  I know he often left a quick drawing to cover a bar or restaurant tab.  Some of those drawings are now worth more than the restaurant itself.


Friday, September 06, 2013

Giuseppe Arcimboldo's Vertumnus (a 16th century Carmen Miranda)

By Jack Brummet, Painting Ed.

In this painting, The Holy Roman Emperor is painted as Vertumnus, Roman God of the seasons.

According to the Wikipedia, “Giuseppe Arcimboldo (c.1526–1593) was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of such objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books”

Carmen Miranda has nothing on the Emperor. . .

Giuseppe Arcimboldo's Vertumnus

Carmen Miranda

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

David Stevenson's amazing paintings

By Mona Goldwater, Seattle Metro Ed.

Jack's friend/former co-worker David Stevenson has an wonderful blog on blogspot. The blog is fine, but you're going to gaze at his stunning paintings. Go now; you will not regret this. Jack showed these paintings to me today. I am a convert!  Click here to jump to some painting gorgeousity. . .

David Stevenson's Creamer And Figs - click to enlarge

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Painting: Pond Life

By Jack Brummet

[Analog/Digital hybrid art; pen and ink drawing digitzed and colored in PaintShop Pro X4]

click to enlarge image