Thursday, March 10, 2005

My Political Career (a/k/a "The "Observer")

click to enlarge

My political career lasted about ten days. I had just graduated from high school. I worked as a semi-paid crisis counselor on the hotline at The Sixth Chamber (I worked there two years, for $50 a week). Although I was 17 when I filed for the City Council, I would have been 18 well before the election.

The city clerk didn't much cotton to a 17 year old from that hippie crisis clinic running for the council (and becoming one of her bosses). She refused to accept my filing papers. I appealed her decision to the Attorney General. The Washington State A.G. at the time was Republican Slade Gorton, who went on to become a U.S. Senator (before being edged out by Maria Cantwell) and 9/11 commission member. Yes, I was booted by Skeletor before he was Skeletor.

I was unable to mount a court challenge to Slade's decision (lack of $$$).   So I became an "Observer." Six months later, I ran for a seat on the school board (running against my father-in-law to be's law partner, who never let me forget I challenged him). I lost.

Other than being a faithful voter, and occasional delegate to state conventions, I've been an observer and serious student of politics ever since.

A friend has seriously considered running for national office, and if he does, I will join up in a heartbeat. He is a Republican. If you don't truly love politics you probably can't concieve how I could work for the "enemy." It's not like they would make a yellow-dog Democrat with intemperate views the campaign manager, after all. Whatever I end up doing on the campaign, I'll be playing hardball. And we will win.

Heroes And Villains No. 34--> Mata Hari & Dr. William Carlos Williams

Click to enlarge.

Merlin Mann has a sweet web site with many lists of five. I like lists. Merlin has some great ones. Click on the title to link to Merlin Mann. A few samples:

Five actors I prefer not to visualize having intercourse
Broderick Crawford
Rondo Hatton
Richard Dawson
Paul Lynde
Curly Joe DeRita

Five people with whom to never start a conversation on MUNI
Needy-looking guy in kilt
Fat man with enormous parrot on his shoulder
Chinese lady quietly trimming her toenails
Stinky guy talking animatedly to fat guy’s parrot
Smirky guy taking numerous phonecam pictures of stinky guy, fat guy, and parrot

Five congressional terms that sound kind of dirty
Minority Whip
discretionary appropriations
discharge petition
franking privileges

Five total scams in high school
class rings
cap and gown fees
Who’s Who Among American High School Students
assemblies featuring christian rock bands

Five things it’s probably better not to do when you’re kind of drunk
buy domain names
hire an attorney
do lots of file management from the command line
sort out your finances
telephone people you remember fondly from elementary school

Five things it would probably be disingenuous for me to rap about
the streets
my bitches
thug life
popping a cap in your ass
my milkshake

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Heroes And Villains No. 33--> Congresswoman Bella Abzug & Pope Urban VI

Click to enlarge.

The Story of Saddam's Capture Is A Steaming Pile...

A Marine with the party that bagged Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said the public version of the capture was 100% ca-ca. There was no hole in the ground! They found Hussein in a house. Saddam was not cowering, wearing a Pamper [tm] in a rathole. He shot at the attackers!

This story was all spin, all the time, another piece of the propaganda puzzle, designed to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis. and even more, the American People. Us::::::::The hapless confabulation of knuckleheads that are asked to implicitly sanction this war.

Also in the news today, are Democrats talking about how the war may not be such a bad thing after all...the way democracy is breaking out in Lebanon and other countries. . .

Click on the title to link to the UPI piece.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Senator Santorum, With His Pants Down Around His Ankles Again

Senator Rick Santorum took a poll on his website recently, asking people's opinions on Social Security personal accounts. People love the plan, the Senator said. But, he took the results down.

The Senator can't really weasel out of the poll, 'though, since his opponent Chuck Pennacchio cleverly cached a snapshot of the results.

Senator Bob Kerrey, then the Senator from Nebraska, called it a few weeks after Santorum took office:

"Santorum, that's Latin for a**hole."

You can count on this dingbat to be on the wrong side of virtually every issue, and this time is no exception. Recently Santorum said that banning gay marriage would be "the ultimate homeland security." The website Counterpunch detailed

"Even Santorum's staff knows the senator is a vacuous boob prone to outrageous gaffs and crude outbursts of unvarnished bigotry. For years, they kept him firmly leashed, rarely permitting him to attend a press interview without a senior staffer by his side."

Now that The Senator has been elevated to a Republican leadership position, his staff can no longer keep him muzzled; it shows. Keep sounding off Senator!

Heroes And Villains No. 32--> John Lennon & Carrie Nation

click to enlarge.

Heroes And Villains No. 31--> Morris Dees & Queen Mary I a/k/a Bloody Mary

Clink the painting to enlarge....

Monday, March 07, 2005

Kill Things Over The Internet! (Or, Technology On The March)

There's a web site now ( where you shoot a remote .22 caliber rifle at targets and silhouettes. The company has develped real time cameras that a user can pan and tilt, and fire away. Literally. It looks as if they also plan on allowing you to bag antelopes, wild boars, and other critters in the future. For an extra fee, they will send you DVD video of your shooting session, as well as the target you ventilate. I didn't check to see if they would send you the 50 pounds of pork if you bag the wild boar.

"challenge yourself and compare your skills to other members with our on-line target shooting. "

It makes you wonder what's next. First, of course, this system will be exploited by the "adult entertainment industry." After the vast legions of one-handed typists explore the technology, you just might be able to climb Denali over the internet, bake a cake in real time, or swim with the sharks.

Click on the title of this article to link up with's website.

The View From Up There

Click on the title of this posting to link to a great panoramic view from the summit of Mt. Everest. Only a thousand people have made it to the summit. Everest is at roughly the same altitude most commercial airlines fly at... /jack


I walk past the grave
Of Sam the Grasseater (he took no chances).
He was known for improper advances
(No woman over fifty was safe).

He mowed lawns and dug
Every single grave in town.
The first grave in forty years
He had not personally dug
Was the one where he sank down,
As Sam would say,
Snug as a bug in the rug.

Heroes And Villains No. 30--> Nina Simone & Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme

Click to enlarge.