Tuesday, February 08, 2011

"Enewetak" by The Posies - video and Lyrics

This is a live performance (with lyrics below) of Enewetak, my favorite song from The Posies latest album, Blood/Candy.Some 43 nuclear tests were fired at Enewetak from 1948 to 1958. The first hydrogen bomb test, code-named Ivy Mike, was held in late 1952 as part of Operation Ivy, and it vaporized the islet of Elugelab.  After those 43 tests, the U.S. returned the islands to the islanders.

by Ken Stringfellow and Jonathan Auer

Ah, this could have been Enewetak
Stressed, embattled, irradiated, evacuated, and
Something’s on in those isles a foreign power said
Ah this could have been Enewetak, now bathed in comet spray

So many devils were called out now cast in concrete
The land was vapor after Operation Ivy

Hydrogen Megatons Medical 4.1
Has anyone else read HG Wells Shapes have come?

Try to find Enewetak
They say
Man will bury you, but I hope God takes you back in his arms and says “Earth Air Fire + the Sea:
Physics stole them all from me.
But I will try to keep Enewetak out the rising waves”

And all the mothers loved their babies tho they weren’t like us no more
Lay out a heading for the homeworld of a species on parole

Dust in the atmosphere 24,000 years
A radioactive trail of tears in the sand

Monday, February 07, 2011

"Smut" in the yellow pages: some not so subliminal advertising

This is a subliminal advertising classic .  To really discern the image, you need to look at it upside down.  Subliminal ad theorists suggest that you can somehow perceive this other image without actually consciously knowing it.

It is clearly intentional.  Flooring and a woman in a toga holding a champagne glass?  There are other examples of the same image being used for the same effect (see the matchbook, below).   The banner--"Laid by the best" also gives a bit of a clue as to the advertiser's intent.

The D.J. Flooring company does exist in England (Brighton, East Sussex), and they did run that advertisement many years ago, according to Snopes.com.

a matchbook advertising a bar in Geneva, Switzerland

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Jack Brummet drawing - 150 faces

150 Faces by Jack Brummet

These faces are a compilation of 150 faces, drawn by Jack (in the Faces series of drawings), which were then scanned, and are now digitally processed into the image you see below.

click to enlarge (you know you want to!)

Saturday, February 05, 2011

The Johnson Treatment: LBJ's version of persuasion and coercion, with photos and links to 15 previous stories on LBJ and "The Johnson Treatment"

by Jack Brummet
Presidents Editor

Here, LBJ, the Majority Leader, puts the strong-arm on Theodore Green, a 90 year old Senator
The Johnson Treatment has been described as having 'a large St. Bernard licking your face and pawing you all over.'   LBJ was a big man, and the original "close talker."  The Johnson Treatment was a singular combination of physical intimidation and coercion, and it was one of his most effective tools as he mastered the Senate, and later, to a far lesser degree, the Presidency.   The phrase "The Johnson Treatment" is sometimes also used to describe being violated by unwanted company.  LBJ would paw you, lean into you, get right up in your grill and ask you for a favor.  Except it wasn't really asking.  Here are a few of our favorite photographs of LBJ giving the Treatment, along with links to fifteen previous article on LBJ, LBJ's War, and, of course, The Johnson Treatment.

Here, LBJ leans on Hubert Humphrey, who would later become his VP

LBJ leaning on his friend Abe Fortas, whom he would later name
to the Supreme Court, and even later attempt to elevate to Chief Justice.
Fortas eventually resigned after four years on the court, due to ethical issues.

LBJ putting the screws to Dan Rather, who had asked an impertinent question

Putting The Johnson Treatment on Richard Russell

LBJ gives soon to be President Dick Nixon the treatment

Whitney Young gets a taste of The Treatment

Eartha Kitt gets a frosty dose of the treatment after she questioned his war

One person to whom he couldn't give the treatment...his boss, Jack Kennedy


Alien Lore No. 191 - Four UFO sightings in Seattle's Ballard neighborhood

By Jack Brummet
Paranormal Editor

On 7/30/1999 in Ballard,  an object was seen "near the Orion's belt and traveled in a southwesterly direction turning bright green and then faded out."  The story "Two See Erratic Moving Light in Morning Sky" was reported on UFOSNW.COM:

"I was standing on my deck and looking from the Ballard area (Seattle) near the Ballard Bridge looking over the top of Queen Ann Hill. It was just at dawn this morning 7/21/08 around 5:00AM. I saw a dot of light that moved with extreme speed from my vantage point coming from the Southwest. The light stopped on a dime from a high speed to a complete stop.

"I would have no way of determining how far it was, but it was very faint and appeared to be over the SeaTac airport area as I could see the lights of aircraft in a normal fashion landing or taking off almost as faint, but this was not an aircraft due to the extreme speed and movement patterns.

"The dot of light as it moved, continued to move at a very high rate of speed right to left at two or three points moving up and back to what appeared to be exactly where it originally arrived from the original approach. I noticed that it moved West to East, South of my position. It continued to dart rapidly in what appeared to be a fixed trajectory moving extremely fast between two reference points that I used which were tree tops in the Queen Ann area (a hill approximately at it's top elevation of around 500 feet).

"Again the object was certainly off at least 10 miles south of those reference points. I called my friend to observe it when I first noticed it and they had never seen a UFO before. The friend concurred that in their mind, it was not a plane, jet, helicopter, group of aircraft such as military jets, shooting star, meteor or any other object because of the fast darting between the points.

"The object over approximately 5 minutes would also vanish as if the lights went off and then either reappear at the same place or another place and it darted back to a similar position horizontal, and the 2 or 3 times it elevated it was almost as if it move the same distance upward from it horizontal point position as if to coordinate the distance once in place from the original west to east position.

"At the time I saw it move into it's position and would travel what appeared the same space left to right or (East to West) and up back down to the original line of entry left to right. About 5 minutes after it appeared it then moved quickly away at an upwardly 30 to 45 degree fashion towards the west from where it originally appeared. It then shot off into the upper levels of space at a very high rate of speed. I would suggest that each movement was not longer than 1/2 to 1/4 of a second for each movement to a complete stop."

MUFON reports that on July 4th, 1947, a "gentleman, who currently serves as a Research Archaeologist for the MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, describes a sighting of a strange disc he experienced in the Ballard area of Seattle. He is a professional artist, and has volunteered to submit an illustration of what the object looked like.  We will be posting more information, and several illustrations to the NUFORC homepage during the next several days."  No additional information is available.

There is a YouTube video related to another sighting, from 1966, in the Ballard neighborhood.

Disclose.tv has posted this video of yet another sighting, "UFOs Hunting Chemtrails Over Seattle WA June 2010," in my Ballard neighborhood: .

Friday, February 04, 2011

A protest sign (re: Barack Obama and another historical figure)

Thanks to Jeff Clinton for this contribution [provenance unknown].  /eds.

click to enlarge

Painting by Jack Brummet - SoS Clinton & BHO discuss the Egyptian leadership "situation."

click to enlarge

Did Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa actually own a penis?

Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, La Joconde, a/k/a the Mona Lisa, is a 16th-century portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of the wealthy Francesco del Giocondo, a local merchant. At least that was what we thought. However, some Italian researchers, specializing in solving art world mysteries, call that hokum.

At a press conference in Rome yesterday, one Silvano Vincenti, the head of the National Historic Commission in Italy, said that the model for the painting now known as The Mona Lisa was, in fact, probably Leonardo da Vinci's boyfriend Gian Giacomo Caprotti (nicknamed “Salai”).   Salai was one of da Vinci’s male apprentices (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gian_Giacomo_Caprotti_-_Salai.jpg).

Caprotti started working as a model for da Vinci at the age of 10, and worked for him for more than 20 years.  Silvano Vincenti also talked about many other paintings by da Vinci that look quite similar to the Mona Lisa. 

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Jack Brummet painting - The first wave of robots

click to enlarge
painting by Jack Brummet

How to spot a hidden handgun - Robert T. Gallagher's two-minute gun-spotting school

By Jack Brummet
Social Mores Editor

A cop once told me that I would be surprised at the number of people who carry guns around with them wherever they go.  He also said that virtually every leather fanny pack he had ever searched contained a handgun (of course, just the fact that he selected them to search probably widened the odds of finding a gun astronomically).  A former NYPD detective from the Anti Robbery Tactical Unit--Robert T. Gallagher-- created this sheet showing how to spot a concealed weapon.

click to enlarge