POTUS Pals - click to enlarge
The friendship between President Clinton and President Bush (the elder) continues. Early on, it felt like a marriage of convenience, but it really appears the two Presidents have come to genuinely like each other. The club just isn't that big anymore--President Ford is now in his nineties, and for all the great things President Carter has done, he probably is not anyone's first pick to bring to a party... /jack
AP - Tue Jun 28,10:55 AM ET
Former presidents Bill Clinton, left, and George H.W. Bush smile for wellwishers before starting a round of golf at the Cape Arundel Golf Club in Kennebunkport, Maine, Tuesday, June 28, 2005. Clinton was in the state Monday autographing his book, 'My Life' . Clinton was invited to Kennebunkport by his former political rival. The two got to know each other and became friends while touring countries affected by the tsunami. (AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach)
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