You notice how everything about this story is minor? Vice-President Cheney "peppered" the luckless Harry Whittington. He was "peppered" sufficiently enough to be in the Intensive Care Unit a couple of days. And now we learn the birdshot has caused a "minor" heart attack. What's next? Stories in the New York Times and on MSNBC talk about about all the jokes, shockwave games, editorials, Democraric drumbeating, and the general buzz surrounding the story. Just as things were about to quiet down, Mr. Whittington suffered a heart attack. Just him making a joke about the shooting might have scotched the buzz for good. That hasn't happened. . .

The original story in All This Is That appeared Sunday night. Over five hundred people have read that original posting (not to mention stories on hundreds of other blogs and web sites) which began as satire and seems to have now become almost straight ahead reportage. In fact, the rumors about the Secret Service, and the manner in which the story was released have increased in intensity and my original satire has been dwarfed by the dark stories now circulating about the "incident."
Google searches leading here include phrases like "Cheney shooting conspiracy," "Dick Cheney Secret Service coverup," "Vice President attempted murder," "Cheney rumors" Cheney resignation," and "Cheney drunk while hunting?" This is very strange indeed. Between Scooter Libby's indictment, the allegations of domestic spying, and all the other Republican craziness, this hunting accident has coalesced to form a perfect storm swirling around the head of the Vice-President.
1 comment:
Exactly. Since when is having birdshot lodged in your heart minor? Earlier they were acting like it barely broke the skin, and the old guy just walked it off.
I like how they are now saying they authorized the ranch owner to break the news to the press. They'll never admit to anything not going exactly as planned. Truth is, I'm sure they were freaking out that it got leaked. They would have been happy if this never saw the light of day.
Here's a recap :
--Unethically hunting from a car
--without a license
--shooting your buddy in the face and chest
--and sitting on it in hopes it never comes out.
Is this the scandal that finally sticks? A shotgun to the face is pretty sexy...
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