The wind drives across heaven
And reminds us of
The taming power of the small
The wind is air
And bumps clouds together
Across the sky
Like people
Who cannot change nature
But change the world
Breath by breath
A deed at a time
The strong press forward
Tilting against obstructions
Dragging the feeble along
The spokes burst from the wagon wheels
Blood vanishes
And fear gives way
True wealth like laughter
Is not selfishly hoarded
But shared with friends and strangers
Pleasure shared
Is pleasure doubled
The moon is nearly full
An owl sits in the plum tree
And she doesn't know
I'm glad she's here
This is as good as it gets
And it gets this good
Every day.
Copyright (c) 2006 by Jack Brummet
Really loved this poem. Sweet and lovingly lovely.
Thank you Kev! I've been trying to do these poems (Changes 1-64) loosely based on the i-Ching. It's been a struggle because I tended to take it too literally. . .now I'm using them for their images and a theme for a jumping off point. This is one of my three favorite ones (so far...who knows where this will end up if I go through all 64 hexagrams)...
A couple of the early Changes poems I wasn't sure about. Number nine was on the money Jack. . .
Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .Number Nine. . .
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