Authorities and U.S. politicians are treating rumors the highly elusive al-Qaeda leader is dead with well-founded skepticism. The whereabouts of bin Laden took a new twist this weekend when a French 'paper published a French intelligence report suggesting he had died a month ago. The governments of France, the United States, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia tried to play down the report, but Saudi sources have previously suggested he may be very sick.
This isn't the first time rumors have circulated about bin Laden's demise. And each time, he has charged back like the Energizer bunny, with new video and audio tapes exhorting the faithful to incinerate America and our allies.
And if Osama IS dead. . .so what? Does this really change anything at all? Does it extricate us from the tragic pickle into which we have insinuated ourselves in the Middle-east? I don't think so. Since there was no Al Qaeda-Iraq connection, it doesn't affect that "operation" much. Does it--if it turns out to be true--affect the mid-term elections? Probably not. While the Dems have beaten up POTUS and G.O.P. for failing to catch Osama, it's hard to see how either side gains much political capital from bin Laden's departure from the scene. . .
I've read that bin Laden may have died from a "water borne" illness, possibly typhoid. If so, it is in the best interest of Bush and al Qaeda to "re-kill" him in a glorious battle. The symptoms of typhoid (constipation, skin rash, nosebleeds, "tongue changes", etc.) don't exactly map well to the glory of martyrdom or violent death at the hands of the U.S. military. There are rumors of an "October Suprise" in time for the election..
Your email made me flash back on that great scene in The Untouchables, where Sean Connery stands up a dead guy outside a window and shoots him through the head to spook the bad guys he's about to question! You never know. . . /jack
PS: There are always October surprise rumors. I've heard this one will be an invasion of Iran (seemingly a mixed blessing for republicans!).
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