My friend, and brother-in-law, Dean Ericksen weighed in with his take on Sunday's Grammy awards. As usual, it was an interesting take. . .
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I didn’t see all of the Grammys last night, but I feel like I saw enough to say: yeah! Right on!
The highlight for me (and music lovers everywhere) had to be Lionel Ritchie doing “Hello.” That one kicks my ass every time. Puddle. Of. Tears.
Rascal Flats are super. I’m a big fan. I saw them last night for the first time, sharing the stage with that little Jezebel Carrie Underwood – how could they even hold their instruments with her Farah-Fawcett-hair tossing around? Observation: if you’re going to play Hotel California, play the whole f***ing song. Jesus. It’s practically our national anthem and they chopped it up like scallions.
Poor Ornette Coleman. Why on earth do they put someone with that amount of dignity in the middle of this circus. He deserved better than a pat on the head.
I wanted to see the Police, but I missed ‘em … I bet that Clarke, a known-Police-o-phile will have a critique. I did see the promo photo of the three of them; Sting has arms like a pro wrestler. Big guns. What’s with that?
Christina Aguillera has pipes. I was impressed. Smokey Robinson appears carved from wax.
Reba looks good. Reeeeebah! Raunchy lioness!
How about those Dixie Chicks! Love that one song.
FYI: I’m sorry that I called Carrie Underwood a Jezebel. She probably isn’t.
Sorry for this email, it’s only function is to work-off a little coffee.
Copyright © 2007 by Dean Ericksen
1 comment:
If Dean's the guy on the left, he's hot.
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