Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ATIT reheated: A salute to two political MILFs: Governor Sara Palin and Ex-Prime Minister of the Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko.

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

[reheated from ATIT in April, 2007]

Remember way back, when Sarah Palin was just a cute Governor?  She was plucked from relative obscurity by Senator John McCain and became his VP candidate in 2008, soon became a pariah, lost the election, went back to Alaska, later quit her job as Governor, wrote a best-selling book that made her rich, starred in a reality show, began endorsing and campaigning for other people, and then faded into obscurity during Rep. Michele Bachmann's brief flash in the plan.  She has been quiet for a while now.  I expect we'll hear from her soon--she doesn't seem to like being out of the limelight for too long.  The limelight, however is becoming elusive

Yulia Tymoshenko, now 50, was sentenced to seven years in jail last month after being found guilty of abusing her office as prime minister. Critics branded the case a showtrial.  She is reportedly now in such poor health that she can barely get out of bed in prison. . .

Alaska Governor Sara Palin

Ex-Prime Minister of the Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko

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