The beleagured White House was rocked once again by scandal this afternoon, following publication of photographs of a group of semi-nude White House pages. The thirteen interns pictured volunteer at The White House, serving as runners, tour guides, and clerical aides to various White House staffers. Another photograph, not released, but in wide circulation on various internet sites, is alleged to be roughly the same pose, with Vice-President Cheney in the center, extending his hands to cover one breast on each of the women at his side.
White House spin doctors claimed the photographs were spurious, and probably Photoshop® composites. Dr. John Newton of the Digital Forensics Laboratory, Inc., however, said he had examined the photos of the Vice-President and pronounced them "the real McCoy." "As much as I dislike saying this," Dr. Newton told a reporter from All This Is That, "that is indeed Mr. Cheney, and these images have not been tampered with or digitally altered."
"It particularly pains me," Newton said, "because I voted for these guys. I don't know how far this will go, but it could make the Lewinsky scandal look like a minor indiscretion."
And I always thought the V.P. was gay!
Al, you were so wrong. Dick isn't called Dick for nothing. He's all man, and these photos may even cause his ratings to rise! Let's face it, these babes are the best thing he's had his hands on in years.
You're right. He's clearly "got a way with the ladies."
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