Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Meet the Thompson Twins: Fred Thompson's wife, Jeri Kehn (with photos)

Unless she's crazier than a s***house rat, Fred Thompson's wife Jeri Kehn probably won't hurt his chances of being elected. Since jumping in the race, Thompson has had a fairly meteoric bump in the polls (even pulling ahead of McCain). Whether or not that is due to what some bloggers call The Thompson Twins is unknown.
People have written all sorts of nasty things about her, without any idea of the cut of her jib. Or any knowledge of her at all except having seen her photos. She, in fact, has been a Republican consultant and lobbyist, and sounds pretty interesting. It is clear, however, that having her standing next to the former Senator makes him look every day of his 64 years, and more. Pundits seem to think Jeri Kehn will not sell very well in the red/flyover states. I'm not sure Joe and Josephine Lunchbucket will hold her looks against her anymore than they did with Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy [Onassis].



Anonymous said...

I just don't buy the argument it would damage our country to have a first lady with excellent ta-tas.

Al Arntsen

Anonymous said...

Nice array.

Anonymous said...

I think we may have found a way to improve foreign relations.