...Click Cindy to enlarge...
I know it's not popular among my liberal pals, but I do not like Cindy Sheehan's approach. I do not believe in calling conservatives fascists. Using that word for a group of clowns like the ones Bush has assembled is off the mark. Cindy--if you want to know about Fascists, read a biography of Himmler or Goebbels or Goering.
She vehemently denies it, but Cindi's five weeks of retirement gave her a severe case of limelight fever. She's back!

Her shrill posturings do nothing to advance the cause. She mentiones over sand over how her "enemies" call her an "attention whore." I don't object to anyone seeking attention, but seeking attention AND annopinting yourself our self-appointed moral executioner. . .that's another story. To top it off, her prose sucks. Long-time reader Dogbowl seems to agree: "She wore out her welcome a long time ago. She makes us look bad now. If we want to win we can't have loopy people like that be our public face."
A taste of her rant on the Daily Kos:
It is about time us “peasants” (in the eyes of the Fascist Ruling Elite) march on DC with our “pitchforks” of righteous anger and our “torches” of truth to demand the ouster of BushCo. I have a dream of the detention centers that George has built and filled being instead filled with Orange Clad neo-cons and neo-connettes.
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