Two months after Senator Larry Craig weaseled on his promise to resign, his old nemesis, The Idaho Statesman is back with interviews (and audio clips) of some of the randy Senator's pickups and victims. It's not just foot tapping this time, friends.
Five men came forward with lurid tales of Senator Craig, most of them were offended by Craig's vehement denials, including his now famous "I am not gay, I never have been gay." [1] Yes, it's a case of he said/she said, but four of the men are willing to make their names and accusations public:
David Phillips, a 42-year-old IT consultant in Washington, says Craig picked him up at a gay club in 1986 and that they subsequently had sex. Audio clip: David Phillips talks about oral sex with the Senator. Audio clip: David Phillips talks about the Senator performing anal sex on David Phillips.
Mike Jones, a former prostitute (who you may remember also told the world he had sex with another Republican, the Rev. Ted Haggard, last year). The former evangelist denied it but later 'fessed up and went off to be "cured." Audio clip: Mike Jones explains why the Senator's backing out of resigning drove him to go public.
Greg Ruth was hit on by the Senator in 1981 at a Republican meeting in Idaho. Audio clip: Greg Ruth describes a bathroom encounter with Larry Craig at the Republican convention.
Tom Russell, now 48, a former Nampa resident had an encounter with Craig in the early 1980s.
An anonymous fifth man from Boise who declined to be named said he was in a restroom at Denver International Airport in September 2006 when the man in the next stall moved his hand slowly, palm up, under the divider. Freaked out, the man said he waited outside the restroom and identified his stallmate as Craig, whom he had met once in Idaho.
[1] Craig's denials are now also available in a Talking Senator Larry Craig Action Figure.
It's "he said/he said", not "she said/he said."
I know. . .I thought of that, but it was funny, but didn't sound right!
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