If you're a friend, or a blog follower, you probably know that LBJ and Nixon are the presidents I've studied most. With Nixon, it has been a life-long fascination. When I lived in NYC, I often brought friends over to pay homage at his townhouse on the Upper East Side--and where the Secret Service never hassled us, although we rarely arrived there before 2 AM, or even closing time (which in NYC then was 4 AM).
I wrote a while ago about visiting him here.
Or check here. Anyhow, yesterday, I spent a half hour at his grave site, communing with the shade of Richard Nixon, who has fascinated me for forty-some years, and a couple more hours at his library, and birthplace. Despite being a Gorbachev Democrat, I still like the guy, and despise about 90% of his politics. He was a treacherous sneak, but managed to pull off some pretty stunning accomplishments before he was driven to the sea.
1 comment:
When I was a kid (age 16 or 17 I think) I worked at a coffee shop in Lido, Ca, called Goofoffers. Richard Nixon had his coffee mug there. And Erlichmen and Haldemann went to the nearby Christian Science Church (same one my parents went to).
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