Unexplained Phenomena Editor

What does it all really mean? I kind of like Jacque Vallée's take on it. Check out the the saucer UFO lore from the ground up:
- a baffling and inexplicable technology that contradict everything we know about the natural laws of time and space;
- A phenomenon that seems intricate, but absurd, and more like a dream than imagination or rational thought;
- Many thousands of people, scattered all over the world (including at least three US President, two astronauts, and hundreds of others), see something that shatters their previous notions of what is real;
- Governments and churches and corporations heap enough ridicule on witnesses to silence many more;
- Conspiracy theorists, UFOlogists, and total wackjobs band together and some jockey for control of a murky and sometimes sinister subculture;
- Religions are born, structured around the Alien Lore.
Since 1947, when Kenneth Arnold spotted a UFO armada just eighty miles south of me, near Mount Rainier, there has been growing speculation over just what is Out There. In the end, what do all the stories, reports, movies, books, documentaries, and investigations mean? What does this UFO thing really look like? It looks like a conditioning mechanism. Conditioning us for what? Why don't "They" just land on the White House lawn? As a UFOlogist once wrote "For the same reason that the chemists at Parke-Davis don't introduce themselves to their rats." According to this school of though, we are being conditioned for their eventual arrival. Or, more accurately--since many theorists believe they are already here--for their introduction.
As I've explained many times before to skeptics, I've written these couple of hundred pieces not because I believe in UFOs, The Greys, a Majestic-12 conspiracy, and a massive governmental cover-up, but more because I don't not believe. No one has yet convinced me--as insane as it all sounds--that all of this is not possible.
The Krill Papers [2] are either a fascinating collection of confabulations, pretzel logic, and pure conspiracy hokum, or a shocking expose of a government that sold us down the tubes to invaders. The Krill Papers were purportedly dictated by an alien hostage left with our government when his spacecraft landed at Holloman Air Force Base in the 1960's. The Krill Papers were released by William Cooper and have been the subject of heated and protracted ebate in the UFO community. You can read them here. If you believe Krill (read the footnote/satellite data cluster below), you can see the conditioning is well underway.
[1] Jacobsen writes: "The UFO craze began in the summer of 1947. Several months later, the G2 intelligence, which was the Army intelligence corps at the time, spent an enormous amount of time and treasure seeking out two former Third Reich aerospace designers named Walter and Reimar Horten who had allegedly created [a] flying disc. ... American intelligence agents fanned out across Europe seeking the Horton brothers to find out if, in fact, they had made this flying disc.
"The plan, according to my source, was to create panic in the United States with this belief that a UFO had landed with aliens inside of it. And one of the most interesting documents is the second CIA director, Walter Bedell Smith, memos back and forth to the National Security Council talking about how the fear is that the Soviets could make a hoax against America involving a UFO and overload our early air-defense warning system, making America vulnerable to an attack."
[2] The Krill Papers stated purpose is to prove:
- Craft from other worlds have crashed on Earth.
- Alien craft are from both ultra-dimensional sources and sources within this dimension.
- Early U.S. government efforts at acquiring alien technology were successful.
- The U.S. government has had live alien hostages at some point in time.
- The government has conducted autopsies on alien cadavers.
- U.S. intelligence agencies, security agencies, and public agencies are involved in the cover up of facts pertaining to the situation.
- People have been and are currently abducted, mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the UFO situation.
- There is a current active alien presence on this planet among us that controls difference elements of our society.
- Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon.
- The U.S. government has had a working relationship with alien forces for some time, with the express purpose of gaining technology in gravitational propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control.
- Millions of cattle have been killed in the process of acquiring biological materials.
- Both aliens and the U.S. government are responsible for mutilations, but for different reasons.
- We live in a multi-dimensional world that is overlapped and visited by entities from other dimensions. Many of these entities are hostile. Many are not hostile.
- The basis of our genetic development and religions lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and terrestrial forces.
- Actual technology far exceeds that perceived by the public.
- The United States space program is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes. - People are being actively killed in order to suppress the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA are involved so deeply that exposure would cause collapse of their overt structure.
- Facts indicate alien overt presence within five to ten years.
- Our civilization is one of many that have existed in the last billion years.
"The Greys are insidious little fiends. They did exactly [to us] what they're doing here [to you]. You are not on the verge of an invasion. You are not in the middle of an invasion. The invasion has already taken place. It's merely in its final stages."
"What would you invade? [Here he describes the operational plan of the Greys from the beginning.] You would go to the most secret of communities within a society. In the case of the United States, you would go and infiltrate the CIA. You would take over some of them and you would take over part of the KGB.
"You would create great dissension and disagreement between factions of the public at large -- some groups saying they have seen UFOs, others saying 'No, no, this is not possible.' You would involve two major countries in an on-going idiotic philosophical disagreement so that while the Soviet Union and the United States constantly battle back and forth about who has which piece of territory or whether one invades Iran or whether one invades Afghanistan or whatever... whether one dismantles one nuclear warhead or the other dismantles another group of warheads -- you would sit back and laugh if you had the capacity to laugh.
"You would present yourself indeed to some in a group who would protect you [CIA or MJ-12] thinking they had a secret more secret and more perfect knowledge of something than anyone else on this planet had, and they would covet you and you would trust their own greed and you would trust their own mass stupidity to trap them. And you'd do it on both sides
"You'd show yourself to some of the mass populace to further involve [factions of] the government in an attempt to shut them up, to keep them even more busy quieting them and trying to 'stop more information about UFOs from getting out.' You'd have the mass populace to a state where they distrusted the government. 'Oh, why don't they believe us? Why can't they understand that these things are really happening? We're not crazy!'
"So you would have battles constantly about whether UFOs exist or they don't exist. You would have the public and the government at each other's throats. You would set two major superpowers at each other's throats. And you would have set up groups like 'haves' -- the wealthy but contented -- and the 'have- nots.' You would plant the seeds of massive discontent.
"Eventually you might have some show of ships landing in the 1990s. One or two. By the time they have landed, be assured they will be in complete control. You will start doing crossbreeds and more crossbreeds, generation after generation.
"You bribe the government with a few tidbits -- a Star Wars system. You tease and tempt the Soviet Union with a laser system far finer than any of their own scientists could think of. And you always have that subtle inference -- just on the borderline of consciousness so that UFOs don't seem to believable, yet you keep it couched in secrecy and make it seem quite so insane that no one would believe them. On top of it, you would unleash forces that would want to kill them [UFO contactees] if they disclosed that the CIA is dealing with the exact same things the [contact victim] is.
"Maybe one or two hundred years from now, some of the Greys will even physically mingle and you may have some creatures walking around who are pretty much hybrids between Greys and your own race. For now, anything that walks around will look much like yourselves. It's simpler. It holds down on mass panic.
"Everyone who has experiences with them [Greys] will be at odds with the government. To add to that, we will go into a complete phased of earthquake after earthquake and upheaval after upheaval.

"The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the Greys. The CIA sees interaction with the Greys as a path to greater scientific achievement.
"One reason you are seeing so many different kinds of UFOs is that other cultures are watching with extreme interest. Scientists from other cultures arrive to watch. The Greys have not only taken over the intelligence agencies, they have also taken over what those agencies call 'lunatic fringe groups.' "
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