Sunday, January 09, 2005

Crossfire to Stop Hurting America::: Jon Stewart Wins

A couple of months after Jon Stewart (the host of Comedy Central's Daily Show) accused the "Crossfire" hosts of "partisan hackery," implored them to "stop hurting America," and called the ranting little demi-god Tucker Carlson a "dick, " CNN announced it won't renew Carlson's contract and it has cancelled the long running show.

"I guess I come down more firmly in the Jon Stewart camp," said CNN Chief Executive Jonathan Klein. The video (and transcripts) of Stewart ripping into the Crossfire hosts are all over the net...



  1. Anonymous1/09/2005

    Hurray! Those bastards are gone! I hope they have to do infomercials now.

  2. Anonymous1/10/2005

    While I agree that Tucker Carlson is a partisan hack, CNN's official story doesn't rip him apart: .


What do you think?