Wednesday, April 13, 2005

How Do People End Up At Blogspot?, Continued

I wrote yesterday about how people end up at All This Is That. It's interesting...I went back over the referrals from search engines over the last 72 hours-->

Foot Washing Baptists (leads to my story about growing up Baptist)

video - cougar chasing pronghorn antelope (I published a land speed of animals list)

how many times david caruso appeared naked in NYPD (I mentioned this briefly in one post--it's obviously a popular search topic)

Urban Legend (the phrase occurs many times, and in my profile)

monkey and the engineer (I printed the lyrics)

creating chimeras (mentioned in one post)

im my own grandpa lyrics (printed the lyrics)

who runs faster - gazelle or pronghorn antelope (the land speed list again)

"heroes and villains" (the paintings again)

Optical illusion abraham lincoln (I have several Lincoln pieces, and I printed an optical illusion once)

"bella abzug" + "phyllis schlafly" (each appeared in heroes and villains paintings)

david caruso" +"three times" +buttocks (people love his butt I guess!)

The First "accidental president" was (mentioned in two or three posts)

song lyrics + I'm my own grandpa (I printed the lyrics here)

"29th presidency" (refers to Pres. Harding, of whom I did a POTUS painting)

"lockable pizza box" (comes from a list of new patents I published)

"lockable pizza box" (see above comment)

"condoleezza rice nude" (This was the title of a post I did about weird searches)

retriever "heroic dog stories" (referred to the story of dogs committing suicide)

im my own grandpa lyrics (see earlier)

Chinese astrophysicist Dr. Kang Mao-pang photos (Mentioned in The Skeleton On The Moon story)

"bug in the rug" +garciaroc jerrycan 1945 (interesting - this led to a piece about the Dead, where I wrote "there will always be a void that only Jerry can fill...")

disagreement between Bob Weir Phil Lesh on tour 2005 (Both Lesh and Weir were in the Heroes and Villains paintings)

Was Lauren Bacall Hot? (refers to the picture I printed of Lauren "Betty" Bacall on the piano while Harry was playing. And the answer to that question is "yes!").

Sex orgy+ oral sex (This is from a piece I wrote about President Bush where I used both those phrases in an indirect context--not referring to POTUS specifically).


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