Thursday, September 01, 2005

President Fiddling While Rome Burns?

The President Hams It Up
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Two excerpts from today's New York Times editorial page:

"George W. Bush gave one of the worst speeches of his life yesterday, especially given the level of national distress and the need for words of consolation and wisdom. In what seems to be a ritual in this administration, the president appeared a day later than he was needed. He then read an address of a quality more appropriate for an Arbor Day celebration: a long laundry list of pounds of ice, generators and blankets delivered to the stricken Gulf Coast. He advised the public that anybody who wanted to help should send cash, grinned, and promised that everything would work out in the end. "

". . . .nothing about the president's demeanor yesterday - which seemed casual to the point of carelessness - suggested that he understood the depth of the current crisis."


  1. Bush...Really, what to say? New Orleans is degrading socially, and people haven't had serious help in two days. It seems that the government is having press conference after press conference TALKING about what they are going to do, while bodies pile up and citizens start to resort towards primal instinct to survive.

    Congress is TALKING about what they will do AFTER their summer break..These are the same people who pulled an "all nighter" for the god damn Terry Schiavo fiasco, and they can't call back an emergency session to fix this?!?!

    The conduct is digusting and frustrating.

  2. Bush is flipping us off again in his attempt to play a g-chord.


What do you think?