"The President's nomination of Miers is a betrayal of the conservative, pro-family voters whose support put Bush in the White House..." Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio
"President Bush showed exceptional judgment in naming Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court to replace Justice O’Connor." Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ
"In a decision deeply disheartening to those who invested such hopes in him, Bush may have tossed away his and our last chance to roll back the social revolution imposed upon us by our judicial dictatorship since the days of Earl Warren." Patrick Buchanan
"I like Harriet Miers." Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid
"It could have been a lot worse." Sen. Charles Schumer, New York Democrat
"If he wants to give her judicial experience why doesn't he nominate her to the Fifth Circuit (Court of Appeals)?" John Eastman, Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence
I believe that all of the conservative opposition to Miers is their way of saying "yippie, we got another Neo on the court!" They (read Republican/Nazi Party) use underhanded tactics all the time.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I found your Blog through Del's - he's great.