Friday, June 05, 2009

How to shave your hooha or tallywhacker?

I get that this is a little weird. But, on the other hand, it appears to be information most everyone under the age of 45 needs. . .It's even safe for work. . .they've used shadow most effectively


1 comment:

  1. Gowaduv6/05/2009

    If you're serious about this (and I know you are) use a Bic Sensitive shaver. It's the single blade with the yellow handle. These multiblade razors do, indeed, lift the hair before cutting. That's the problem. The soft patch above your equipment isn't like your face. The hairs are pulled unnaturally above the surface by the first blade and are then cut by the next blade. They can retreat below the surface and become ingrown hairs in an area that is warm and moist. I can hear the conversation now, "No baby, I didn't get herpes from a stripper. Those are all puss filled ingrown hairs from when I shaved! No, I didn't do it to get rid of crabs..." You get the idea.


What do you think?