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An anonymous (so far) Prophet has come forward to demonstrate his or her even greater powers. This Prophet seems to have taken on the mission of protecting the earth from Prophet Yahweh, the Pied Piper of UFOs. Come forward, Prophet, that we might pay you our respect!
"But I am a greater prophet! I have sensed Prophet Yahweh's call to the UFOs. The ether has vibrated to the point of almost snapping, but with my power I have healed the rift. Now I must put Prophet Yahweh back in his place.
"Therefore, let it be known, and my word is certain and will not return void, that on the dates specified, I will be the counterforce to Prophet Yahweh. I will prevent the UFOs from coming at that time.Watch the skies during those times. You will surely see who is the greatest prophet. Me!! This is not a joke. On my word I tell you, the UFOs will not appear!"
Anonymous, at 5/28/2005 08:02:45 AM
Dear Anonymous: We MUST promulgate the message of your greater powers!! What better show of ultimate force than to nullify Prophet Yahweh's commands. Come forward Anonymous so that we may unveil you to a world raptly awaiting Prophet Yahweh's publicity stunt. Could this have any repercussions to Prophet Yahweh's being? Like his wig? I mean, will there be any energy backwash? We wouldn't want The Prophet's head to explode. At least not yet. /jack
By Jack Brummet, at 5/28/2005 01:19:35 PM