Jacques Vallee (best selling author, scientist, and Silicon Valley entrepeneur) believes there a compelling case for the existence of UFOs. He has also said that one of the greatest impediments to understanding UFOs are the hard-core believers. UFOlogists exhibit a high degree of territorial sniping and infighting. Vallee is often considered one of the brightest scientists who actually believes in UFOs.
Vallee worked early in his career for J. Allen Hynek, who, as you may remember, directed the Project Blue Book for the Air Force. Blue Book is often now considered as the government's program to bury all information about UFOs, under the guise of researching them...
Both of these scientists came up with systems for classifying encounters with UFOs and aliens.
The Hynek Classification System
A system developed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek which categorizes the various types of UFO sightings. The categories are as follows:
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIRST KINDA UFO in close proximity of a witness.
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE SECOND KINDA UFO leaves permanent or semi-permanent physical markings behind (such as burns on the ground or radiation traces).
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KINDA Close Encounter of the First or Second Kind where extra terrestrials are also seen.
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FOURTH KINDA UFO’s occupants abduct an individual. Abductee's experience severe reality distortion such as memory lapse, 'post abduction trauma' symptoms such as fear and anxiety.
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KINDCommunication occurs between a person and an extra terrestrial.
The Jacques Vallee Classification SystemMA RATINGDescribes the maneuvers of a UFO
MA1- A UFO has been observed which travels in an erratic trajectory. i.e. vertical drops, maneuvers
MA2- MA1 plus any physical effects caused by the UFO.
MA3- MA1 plus any entities observed on board.
MA4- Maneuvers accompanied by a sense of reality transformation for the observer.
MA5- A maneuver that results in a permanent injury or death of the witness.
The fly-by rating, describes the flight characteristics of the UFOFB1- A sighting of a UFO travelling in a straight line across the sky.
FB2- FB1 accompanied by physical evidence.
FB3- A fly-by where entities are observed on board.
FB4- A fly-by where the witness experienced a transformation of reality into the object or its occupants.
FB5- A fly-by which the witness would suffer permanent injuries or even death.
Close Encounter rating, describes the level of contact between the witness and the UFOCE1- UFO comes within 500 feet of the witness, but no after effects are suffered by the witness or the surrounding area.
CE2- A CE1 that leaves landing traces or injuries to the witness.
CE3- Entities have been observed on the UFO.
CE4- The witness has been abducted.
CE5- CE4 which results in permanent psychological injuries or death.
SVP RATINGDescribes the credibility of the witness’s account of the UFO sighting.
A rating out of four is given for the three categories of the source’s: reliability, site visit and possible explanations. For Example:
source reliability-1, site visit-2, possible explaination-3 = 123
(A rating of 222 or higher indicates the case was reported by a reliable source)
SOURCE RELIABILITY RATING0- Unknown or unreliable source.
1- Report attributed to a known source of unknown or uncalibrated reliability.
2- Reliable source, secondhand.
3- Reliable source, firsthand.
4- Firsthand personal interview with the witness by a source of proven reliability.
SITE VISIT RATING0- No site visit, or answer unknown.
1- Site visited by a casual person not familiar with the phenomena.
2- Site visited by persons familiar with the phenomena.
3- Site visit by a reliable investigator with some experience.
4- Site visit by a skilled analyst.
POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS RATING0- Data consistent with one or more natural causes.
1- Natural explanation requires only slight modification of the data.
2- Natural explanation requires major alteration of one parameter.
3- Natural explanation requires major alteration of several parameters.
4- No natural explanation possible, given the evidence.