Thursday, October 20, 2005

Horsin' Around: Update On The Enumclaw Beastiality/Murder Case

Trespassing charged in horse-sex case - According to The Seattle Times, James Tait, an Enumclaw man who managed the farm where people had sex with animals (and regularly videotaped the results for the internet) and where a Seattle man died after being rogered by a horse, was charged with a misdemeanor yesterday. Why is he being charged? He used the neighbor's barn for his horse prostitution ring.

King County prosecutors say it's the heaviest charge they could some up with. Washington is one of the states that has not outlawed bestiality.

If you ever looked at our legislature, you might have some insight into just why beastiality hasn't been criminalized.

"There is no evidence of injury to the animal to support animal-cruelty charges," said Dan Satterberg, the county prosecutor's chief of staff.

A Seattle Times Photographer Takes
A Picture Of The Possible Murderer

Index To Jack's Poems In All This Is That

This corrects several errors that have crept into the index of poems in All This Is That. And it reminds you that we're not just about ranting about the president, strange paintings, and alien folklore!

Poem: Sonnet For Hari
Poem: Defensive Daydreaming
Poem: The Dream
Poem: Dogpaddling
Poem: The Prostethic Head & The Absence Of Blood
poem: Tetuan - "No Paranoia, My Friend"
Poem: The Grey Visitors & Painting: The Grey Ambassador
Poem: The Bad Movie
Poem: The Bucket
Poem: The Man In The Mirror
Poem: Liftoff
Poem: Optimism
Poem: Perspective

Poem: A Flight Of Swallows
Audioblog - Poem: The Prevaricator
Poem: Weather Report
Poem: Your Wooden Leg
Poem: The Revelations Sermon At The First Church Of The Mojo Apocalypse
Poem: Dosvidaniya, Ivan Ivanovitch
Poem: The Late Excavation (Text And Audio)
Poem: Jack Kerouac, Meet John Barleycorn
Poem: The Gideon Bible In My Nightstand
Poem: At The Acropolis
Poem: When Aliens Land, Or, The Return Of The King
Poem: The sous-chef is a sociopath]
Poem: James Wright
Poem: Falling
Poem: [Life Is Not A Hardy Novel]
Poem: Seven
Poem: Coyote Comes Home Like A Salmon
Poem: Shorts For Jerry Melin ca. about 1988
Poem: Bird Poem: Monism
Poem: The Golden Rule Poem: The Countdown
Poem: When Aliens Land, Or, The Return Of The King
Poem: Notes On Flying
Poem: Daybreak
Poem: Explosions
poem: Not Past Tense Yet
poem: the glass is not half-full
Poem: It's Getting Crowded Here
Poem: Li Po In Disgrace
Poem: The Clock
A Poem: Love Song
Poem: Bad Timing
Poem: The Killer
Poem: The Absence of Footprints
Poem: Growing Up
Poem: Gone Fishing
Poem: The M.D.s
A Poem - Acrylic
poem: The Marriage
Poem: Driving Home To Seattle, We Watch Deer Drinking from the Skookumchuck River

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

How Big Is It?::::The Really Really Really Big Numbers

Click to enlarge these 10,000 dots. If you want
to see what a million looks like, print 100 copies
of this image.

I love Robert Munafo's web site! He helps you understand the numbers, and although he is a wonky science guy, he can explain what a million is in a way a knucklehead like me might understand:

"You can just barely put 1,000,000 dots on a large piece of paper and stand at a distance such that you can perceive each individual dot as a distinct dot."

So, there is a thousand, million, billion, and trillion. The big numbers past a trillion, in rising powers of ten, are:

quindecillion (that's 10 to the 48th, or a one followed by 48 zeros), (or,
1,000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000, 000).

The highest number Munafo's table shows is a milli-millillion. That's 10 to the 3000003rd. For something closer to home, a centillion is 10 to the 600th.

The googolplex is often considered the largest named number in the world. Googol is ten to the one hundredth. Googolplex is one followed by a googol of zeroes.

Alien Lore No. 33: Gordon Cooper On Astronaut UFO Sightings

There is a fairly widespread belief that American astronauts witnessed, on more than one occasion, UFOs in space. One name often associated with these tales is that of Major Gordon Cooper, who was apparently a believer, but also tried to clear up a lot of the wacko information.

Cooper was interviewed by the magazine OMNI in March, 1980:

OMNI: What about the repeated allegations that the astronauts saw
many UFOs?

COOPER: It got so bad that there were deliberately falsified tapes of communications with the astronauts, where UFO material was simply edited in. To my knowledge, the only astronaut on any of the Mercury, Gemini, or Apollo missions who ever saw anything that might have been a UFO was Jim McDivitt, but he didn't get enough pictures to prove anything substantial. That's the only case, in spite of all the stories you hear.

OMNI: Didn't you go after some UFOs as an air force pilot in Germany in the 1950s?

COOPER: Yes, several days in a row we sighted groups of metallic, saucer-shaped vehicles at great altitudes over the base, and we tried to get close to them, but they were able to change direction faster than our fighters. I do believe UFOs exists and that the truly unexplained ones are from some other technologically advanced civilization. From my association with aircraft and spacecraft, I think I have a pretty good idea of what everyone on this planet has and their performance capabilities, and I'm sure some of the UFOs at least are not from anywhere on Earth.

OMNI: Aren't you concerned about the reaction of people who may read this?

COOPER: I've always been honest about my views on this subject. Because the astronauts have been so badly misquoted by irresponsible journalists, it's up to each of us to say what he believes in. I'm engaged in a lawsuit against people who used my name for a commercial venture, quoting me to the effect that I'm dedicated to forcing the government to tell the truth about UFOs. I never said that at all. If any UFO information is being suppressed, it's certainly not in the U.S. Air Force, because I was at a high enough level to know about it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Painting: President Bush Jawboning

click painting to enlarge...

Alien Lore No. 32: The Condon Report - The Study That Killed Project Blue Book And All (Admitted) Government Research On UFOs And Alien Visitors

Earlier, I wrote about some of the early government studies and investigations into UFOs. Project Blue Book was the Air Force project charged with researching UFOs. In later chapters, I will get into the whole conspiracy angle. Many UFOlogists believe that Project Blue Book was a cover organization, fed easily debunked reports concocted by wackos. The real research, they claimed, was being done elsewhere, in total secrecy. We'll get into the stories of John Lear, Bill English, Bill Cooper, Allen Hynek, and others later.

The Air Force commissioned an analysis of Project Blue Book, and a 1,465-page document based primarily on data collected by Project Blue Book was delivered to the U.S. Air Force in November 1968 and released in January 1969.

The head of the study, Dr. Edward Condon, wrote:

"Our general conclusion is that nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has added to scientific knowledge. Careful consideration of the record as it is available to us leads us to conclude that further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified ... "

The Report attracted widespread criticism, from both UFOlogists and even the mainstream scientific community, which felt that the Condon study had been too quick to dismiss certain well-documented UFO cases for which there was no obvious explanation.

The American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) had formed a subcommittee on UFOs in 1967 which, following the release of the Condon Report, issued its first public statement:

"The Committee has made a careful examination of the present state of the UFO issue and has concluded that the controversy cannot be resolved without further study in a quantitative scientific manner and that it deserves the attention of the engineering and scientific community. In December 1969, at its annual meeting in Boston, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) held a symposium, organized by a committee including Carl Sagan, Philip Morrison, and Thornton Page, to allow a more open and thorough airing of scientific views than it was felt the Condon report had achieved. "

Project Blue Book was cancelled. Some would call this a victory for Majestic 12 and other nefarious forces, dedicated to hiding the truth.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Incredible Blinking President!

In the Washington Post last week, columnist Dana Milbank wrote a piece, For President Under Duress, Body Language Speaks Volumes. He analyzes The President's physical responses to various questions. His piece contains gems like these:

"The fidgeting clearly corresponded to the questioning. When Lauer asked if Bush, after a slow response to Katrina, was 'trying to get a second chance to make a good first impression,' Bush blinked 24 times in his answer. When asked why Gulf Coast residents would have to pay back funds but Iraqis would not, Bush blinked 23 times and hitched his trousers up by the belt. When the questioning turned to Miers, Bush blinked 37 times in a single answer..."

"Lauer's query about whether conservatives 'are feeling let down by you?' appeared to provoke furious jiggling of the right leg."


Alien Lore No. 31: The Hynek And Vallee Alien Contact Classification Systems

Jacques Vallee (best selling author, scientist, and Silicon Valley entrepeneur) believes there a compelling case for the existence of UFOs. He has also said that one of the greatest impediments to understanding UFOs are the hard-core believers. UFOlogists exhibit a high degree of territorial sniping and infighting. Vallee is often considered one of the brightest scientists who actually believes in UFOs.

Vallee worked early in his career for J. Allen Hynek, who, as you may remember, directed the Project Blue Book for the Air Force. Blue Book is often now considered as the government's program to bury all information about UFOs, under the guise of researching them...

Both of these scientists came up with systems for classifying encounters with UFOs and aliens.

The Hynek Classification System

A system developed by Dr. J. Allen Hynek which categorizes the various types of UFO sightings. The categories are as follows:

A UFO in close proximity of a witness.

A UFO leaves permanent or semi-permanent physical markings behind (such as burns on the ground or radiation traces).

A Close Encounter of the First or Second Kind where extra terrestrials are also seen.

A UFO’s occupants abduct an individual. Abductee's experience severe reality distortion such as memory lapse, 'post abduction trauma' symptoms such as fear and anxiety.

Communication occurs between a person and an extra terrestrial.

The Jacques Vallee Classification System

Describes the maneuvers of a UFO
MA1- A UFO has been observed which travels in an erratic trajectory. i.e. vertical drops, maneuvers
MA2- MA1 plus any physical effects caused by the UFO.
MA3- MA1 plus any entities observed on board.
MA4- Maneuvers accompanied by a sense of reality transformation for the observer.
MA5- A maneuver that results in a permanent injury or death of the witness.

The fly-by rating, describes the flight characteristics of the UFO

FB1- A sighting of a UFO travelling in a straight line across the sky.
FB2- FB1 accompanied by physical evidence.
FB3- A fly-by where entities are observed on board.
FB4- A fly-by where the witness experienced a transformation of reality into the object or its occupants.
FB5- A fly-by which the witness would suffer permanent injuries or even death.

Close Encounter rating, describes the level of contact between the witness and the UFO

CE1- UFO comes within 500 feet of the witness, but no after effects are suffered by the witness or the surrounding area.
CE2- A CE1 that leaves landing traces or injuries to the witness.
CE3- Entities have been observed on the UFO.
CE4- The witness has been abducted.
CE5- CE4 which results in permanent psychological injuries or death.

Describes the credibility of the witness’s account of the UFO sighting.

A rating out of four is given for the three categories of the source’s: reliability, site visit and possible explanations. For Example:
source reliability-1, site visit-2, possible explaination-3 = 123
(A rating of 222 or higher indicates the case was reported by a reliable source)

0- Unknown or unreliable source.
1- Report attributed to a known source of unknown or uncalibrated reliability.
2- Reliable source, secondhand.
3- Reliable source, firsthand.
4- Firsthand personal interview with the witness by a source of proven reliability.

0- No site visit, or answer unknown.
1- Site visited by a casual person not familiar with the phenomena.
2- Site visited by persons familiar with the phenomena.
3- Site visit by a reliable investigator with some experience.
4- Site visit by a skilled analyst.

0- Data consistent with one or more natural causes.
1- Natural explanation requires only slight modification of the data.
2- Natural explanation requires major alteration of one parameter.
3- Natural explanation requires major alteration of several parameters.
4- No natural explanation possible, given the evidence.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Karl Rove & Scooter Libby Will Resign When Indicted

Notice, my headline says "when," not "if." The Time Magazine online edition published an article today saying that if indicted, Rove & Libby will resign. Click here to read the full article. This excerpt is from Time:

"Karl Rove has a plan, as always. Even before testifying last week for the fourth time before a grand jury probing the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, Bush senior adviser Rove and others at the White House had concluded that if indicted he would immediately resign or possibly go on unpaid leave, several legal and Administration sources familiar with the thinking told TIME. Resignation is the much more likely scenario, they say. The same would apply to I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, the Vice President's chief of staff, who also faces a possible indictment. A former White House official says Rove's break with Bush would have to be clean--no "giving advice from the sidelines"--for the sake of the Administration."


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Alien Lore No. 30: Sergeant Lonnie Zamora & The Strange Events At Socorro, NM

One of the most fascinating and best documented UFO cases is a pivotal event in UFO lore: The Socorro, New Mexico landing. Socorro is a small town located just south of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The Air Force Project Blue Book, a notoriously skeptical agency, classified the encounter as "unexplained."

Lonnie Zamora was a sergeant in the Socorro Police Department. On April 24, 1964, he witnessed the Socorro landing in New Mexico. The investigation of the Socorro case was lead by Dr J. Allen Hynek with the FBI. The report on the case ended up in the Project Blue Book saying:

"There is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression on him. There is also no question about Zamora's reliability. He is a serious officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well versed in recognizing airborne vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by what he saw, and frankly, so are we. This is the best documented case on record."

The Lonnie Zamora case is well-known and highly regarded by most of the UFOlogy community. The credibility of sergeant Zamora is untarnished, and the fact that there appeared to be some credible physical evidence led J. Allen Hynek remarked, "I personally am willing today to accept his testimony as genuine.." Let me point out that Hynek is not just your typical UFO nut. He was chairman of Astronomy at Northwestern University, and worked for the U.S. government as a researcher in Project Blue Book. Over the years, he moved from being highly skeptical to being convinced a genuine and potentially important phenomenon lay behind some of the unresolved UFO reports.

Zamora reported seeing two, small aliens beside a white, egg-shaped object minutes before it blasted off. Incredibly, earlier the same day, Gary T. Wilcox reported practically the same event on his farm near Tioga City, New York. He also said he saw two small beings near a metallic, egg-shaped object in a field surrounded by woods. This case was dismissed at the time because Wilcox claimed to have talked to the two aliens. He was, naturally, written off as a nut-job.

There is no way that Zamora or Wilcox could have known about the other's report (unless they knew each other, which does not seem likely). This is an extremely unlikely coincidence whether either or both reports were true, or confabulations.

Lonnie Zamora's encounter is one of the landmark ufo events in the history of the phenomena. To this day it remains a case in which all the facts involved support the witnesses claims. It is this kind of case that makes ufo lore endure.

While Socorro does not prove the existence of extraterrestrial life or E.B.E.s, some type of unusual craft with occupants did land, and take off again. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who interviewed Zamora on more than one occasion, believes every word that Zamora said. He played his cards pretty close to the vest however: "There is much more evidence to indicate that we are dealing with a most real phenomenon of undetermined origin."

If this vehicle was not extraterrestrial, where did it come from? Why did it land? Who were the occupants? To answer that question, you need to read the next chapter of alien lore, where we analyze just what they were building at Area 51 and who was piloting these craft. That, of course, is another long and often shaggy-dog story we will get to in the future.

Painting: The Nudist Beauty Pageant

Click the painting to enlarge. . .