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The Greys are the most frequently identified alien race in UFOlogy and the most commonly described race by [alleged] abductees. Digging into the lore, you find literally dozens of alleged alien races. Most, of course, are at odds and working at cross-purposes with each other. The Greys alone, are lumped into three categories: Grey Type A, B, and C.
Type A Greys are the type most commonly referred to as Greys. They are believed to hail from the Zeta Reticuli star system (e.g., the Bernard star), neighboring Orion. They function in a disciplined, military mode with a rigidly defined social structure and exhibit what we sometimes call hive behavior.
Type B Greys are from Orion. They are about four feet taller than Type A Greys (7 to 8 ft. tall). Their faces are similar to grey type A except for a large nose. These greys also have technologies that allow them to perform certain actions that appear miraculous to we befuddled humans.
Type C Greys are the shortest of the greys. Their facial features are very similar to the Zeta Reticuli greys and they are of the same "root race." They are just as hostile to humans as the Zetas and come from a star system near the shoulder of Orion called Bellatrax.
Many other alien groups have been reported: Human Type A, B, and C; The reptilian; Group A (non earth-born humans, or, our cousins, or possibly our forebears); hybrids, or, human-alien hybrids of varying concentrations; The Blondes; The Nordics; and dozens of other races including Sasquatches and even Dolphins. I like to keep it simple and just focus on the Greys. In the lore, many of these races are at war with each other, or working at very extreme cross-purposes.
While their have been dozens of descriptions given by witnesses, the most reported and accepted face of the aliens are the EBE's (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) known as the Greys.
In general, the Greys are described as: about 3'4" - 3'8" tall. Their eyes are extremely large, almost insect-like. Their eyes have a couple of inner lids. Their days are extremely bright, probably twice or three times as bright as days on earth. They have just the two openings where our nose would be...and a small mouth. Their mouths contain no teeth, and just a hard 'gum-like' area. Greys are humanoid in appearance with an almond-shaped head, two large black lidless eyes, two arms, hands with no thumbs, legs, and feet. They tend to appear greyish in color, either their skin color or some form of clothing. Some people have said their skin looks like, and feels like, that of a dolphin. In fact, there is a whole school of thought on the relationship of the aliens to dolphins.
Internally, they have one organ which does the job of our hearts and lungs... and their digestive system is simple. Their skin structure is a very elastic and very hard, probably hardened by their sun. Their brain is more complex than ours with several different lobes, more than ours have. Unlike ours, their eyes are controlled by the the front of the brain.
Their hearing is better than ours and reportedly better than a dogs. Along with telepathy, this seems to make them formidable stalkers.
Like their heart and lungs, their kidneys and bladder are one organ. They allegedly excrete waste like humans, although I don't know if they have an actual alimentary canal. They have another internal organ which scientists believe exists to transform solid waste into liquid waste."
They have hands without thumbs, and three or four fingers. Their feet are web-like and small.
Their life span is around 350-400 years. Almost Biblical. This is allegedly because of their reptile-like qualities. The aliens have an IQ of over 200 (and are eligible for Mensa membership, I suppose). The Greys have a universal religion: the universe is the supreme being.
Some say the aliens enjoy music...especially ancient Tibetan-style music. I would have thought they might go for Gamelon music, or maybe Brian Eno's Music For Airports...
When they're not mutilating cattle, or harvesting humans, they like vegetables... and it has been reported they love strawberry ice cream. Episode 14 of Dark Skies showed a Grey asking for, and eating two quarts of it.
Zeta Reticuli? According to abductees, they have been told, and seen, The Greys are Zeta Reticulans. Betty & Barney Hill (of one of the most famous abduction cases, about which more later) had some insight into the Grey origins. Under hypnosis, Betty Hill remembered the leader of the UFO she was taken upon showing her a Star Map. In a hypnotic session, she
reproduced the star map that a researcher was able to plot on a map to show Mrs. Hill's aliens came from Zeta Reticuli.
We call this race of extraterrestials the "Greys", due to the color of their skin which is grayish in color. Many people under hypnotic regression have drawn the same type of body form with a small mouse, nose and ears and very large eyes, insectoid in a fashion.
Based upon the large number of people reporting them, it seems more and more people are being abducted.
The most commonly seen grey is around two to four feet tall, very slender and delicate looking, they are small beings and light weight, extremely penetrating black slanted eyes with no pupils, almost vestigial mouth and nose, a very large head with a pointed chin. The skin color varies from dark grey to light grey, tan to tanish grey, white to pale white. They have no hair on their bodies.
There have also been many report of cross breeds that are both human and grey. These are explained as hybrids, a cross between the races. They have more of the physical appearance and physical strength of humans, but their minds are capable of telepathy and other superhuman feats.