Saturday, December 17, 2005
Presidents to appear on dollar coins
Click images to enlarge...
In 2007, the U.S. Mint will begin minting new dollar coins featuring the pictures of dead presidents for the first time in decades. It's been a little short on Presidential dollars, with only Ike and JFk starring so far. . .
Four coins will be issued each year, beginning with The Father Of Our Country.
Friday, December 16, 2005
President Bush's Recent Physical
Alien Lore 54 - The Story Of Paul Bennewitz, The Pulsing Rays, The Grey-Government Deal, Underground Alien Bases, And UFO Technology
An Albuquerque businessman named Paul Bennewitz began to notice monitor strange electro-magnetic pulses from what he thought were UFOs flying above the a nearby nuclear weapons site near the Kirtland Air Force Base. He came to believe the pulses controlled abductees/throwbacks that had been implanted.
He tried to decode the pulses and contacted various people and groups about his theories. He eventually reached a Richard Doty and sent in tapes he had filmed of UFOs over the Nuclear Storage Facility. There were signals there, Bennewitz was right about that, according to several sources, there is no reason to think they had anything to do with UFOs.
Sergeant Richard Doty of the Office of Special Investigations met with Bennewitz several times over a period of months, looked at his evidence, and listened to his beliefs. And then, the Air Force began applying psychological-warfare techniques "which one observer and one participant claimed were intended to trigger an emotional collapse. " Bennewitz was already on shaky ground--he was paranoid, and believed fantastic stories about the UFOs, government, The Greys, and their intentions. Operatives from the Air Force OSI passed on disinformation along the lines of the tales you've read here before--pacts between the U.S. and The Greys; stories about alien bases in various places around the world; millions of aliens living underground in Dulce, New Mexico; and of course, stories of experiments creating human-Grey hybrids. Bennewitz believed all of it.
Doty had William Moore pass on more believable disinformation. Bennewitz became more and more frantic and more and more paranoid. He eventually lost his grip to the extent that he was checked into a laughing academy. Dr. Bennewitz told John Lear what he had heard and Lear took this into account when he wrote his Dark Side Hypothesis.
Bennewitz was convinced the aliens had underground bases near Albuquerque, and others near Dulce, New Mexico. As Doty knew, Bennewitz had accidentally tapped into a supposedly secure communications system at Kirtland. The coded messages he was receiving were genuine, but he was grossly misinterpreting them. It was just military and defense traffic. And, whatever it was, it was highly classified. Doty's job was to misdirect Bennewitz into believing the messages were actually from aliens! Doty has admitted this. William Moore and Doty are also believed to have colluded to manufacture the original group of MJ-12 documents which Moore claimed to have received mysteriously in 1987. These docuemtns have become a fulcrum of UFO belief. The Majestic documents have caused a gigantic rift in the UFO community of accusations, fraud, countercharges, the Majestic story has led to increased factionalism in that already wack and divided world.
One other thing drove Dr. Bennewitz batty: he would see "energy balls" within his home, supposedly sent by the aliens. Doty thought this was all in Bennewitz's fevered imagination, but soon learned that the NSA (National Security Agency) was working independently to bedevil Bennewitz. They were working on several fronts to destroy his sanity.
Christa Tilton, an alleged abductee (who says she has an alien hybrid daughter), wrote a book about the Bennewitz case, The Bennewitz Papers. It contains many pages from an unpublished manuscript in which Dr. Paul Bennewitz details his UFO belief system.
Sgt. Doty does not believe in UFO abductions or in Paul Bennewitz's flying saucer theories; but he does believe strongly that the U.S. government has captured hardware from outer space. He tells us that he has visited the mysterious top-secret "Area 51" in Nevada, where he did not actually see alien technology, but he was told it was there. His clearance was not high enough to be shown the actual hardware, he says. Was the disinformation specialist himself being scammed by another government agency? Who knows? Doty is now a state trooper.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Alien Lore 53 - The Moon Dust File
AFCIN-1A 25 Apri1 1961
TO: All Air Force Collection Activities
1. PURPOSE - This letter provides instructions and guidance for reporting information in response to MOON DUST Alerts.
2. APPLICABILITY - This letter is applicable world-wide for initiative reporting.
3. REFERENCE - Priority Air Intelligence Requirement (PAIR-1F).
4. BACKGROUND - Based on estimates of the time and place of foreign earth satellite vehicle (ESV) atmospheric re-entries, Headquarters USAF (AFCIN) initiates MOON DUST Alerts. They are issued as far in advance as practicable (normally 10 days) and are automatically cancelled three (3) days after the re-entry prediction date stated in the alert message. It is necessary that the alerts be issued on a world-wide basis until such time as techniques are developed that will make possible the prediction of the precise time and place of impact.
5. INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDANCE - During the periods when MOON DUST Alert is in effect, it is important that interested personnel receive, as rapidly as possible, accurate sighting data on the final (estimated) orbits from as many different sources as possible. The following guidance may assist in reporting observations of space vehicle re-entry. The re-entry of a space vehicle can be seen over great distances, and even the qualified observer cannot estimate the distance from point of observation to the sighted object with any great degree of certainty. At these distances, the re-entry would appear to resemble a meteor travelling in a near horizontal or descending path and, as the distance decreased, would appear as a brilliant object or cluster of objects visible during daylight conditions. In addition, an audible rumbling sound like thunder, arid possibly sharp explosion-like sounds might be correlated with the sighting.
a. What to Report. (1) Position of observer. (2) Time of sighting in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to nearest minute. (3) Duration of sighting. (4) Azimuth and elevation of object when first sighted. (5) Azimuth and elevation of object when last sighted (6) Apparent size of object as compared to the size of a coin or other familiar item held at arm's length. (7) Color and description of object and changes, if any, during sighting. (8) Unusual or other than normal sounds heard during the sighting. (9) Weather conditions prevailing at time of sighting. (10) Any other data associated with the sighting.
b. Other Action to be Taken. In the event a decayed space object is suspected as having descended, the following actions are required:
(1) Verify location of reported object. (2) Ascertain identity as accurately as possible. (3) Make every effort to obtain object for U.S. if it appears to be a portion of Soviet space vehicle or other material deemed to be of air technical intelligence interest. (4) Arrange expeditious delivery of recovered object to Aerospace Technical Intelligence Center (AFCIN-4A), Wright-Patterson A.F.B., Ohio. (5) Obtain permission for U.S. examination of object in the event it cannot be recovered for U.S. retention.
c. Where to Send Reports - Reports in response to paragraph 5a. or b. above should cite the unclassified nickname MOON DUST and be addressed to the following: (1) Headquarters USAF (AFCIN) Washington 25, D.C. (for action) (2) ATIC (AFCIN-4A) Wright-Patterson A.F.B., Ohio (info) (3) Space Track R & D Activity Hanscom Field, Massachusetts (info) (4) NORAD Ent A.F.B., Colorado (info)
Because of the intelligence connotations of MOON DUST regarding retrieval and examination by ATIC of a descended Soviet space vehicle, the overall project is classified Confidential, and MOON DUST Alerts are normally on a Confidential basis because of the intelligence association with decay estimates. The basic decay estimates (identification of the- object and estimated date and hour of decay) are in themselves normally unclassified. Thus, decay estimates, as such, can be released to observers or observatories cooperating with U.S. collectors purely on the basis of international cooperation in the scientific aspects of space knowledge. Reports of sightings transmitted by U.S. personnel should be classified according to source or content in accordance with normal reporting and transmitting procedures, and in the case of reports on visual sightings, will normally be unclassified.
/s/ Lowell E May
Colonel, USAF
Directorate of Collection
Alien Lore 52 - The National UFO Reporting Center / The Computer UFO Network
Not only is NUFORC here, but CUFON -- the Computer UFO Network is also in Seattle.
Well, you didn't think they'd be in Minnesota, did you?
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Mitt Romney Will Make A Run For The White House
I heard him speak only a couple of days ago, saying that if he ran for Governor again he would not make a run for the White House.
This sets the stage for his jump into the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. Big fun!
Some Recent Disclaimers On Consumer Products
Some recent product disclaimers (or at least new to me). A big list of disclaimers appeared here over a year ago...
•King Size Mattress -- Warning: Do not attempt to swallow
•Hardware Store Rotary Drill -- This product not intended for dental purposes
•Sleeping Pills -- Caution: May make you drowsy
•Dog Shampoo -- The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish
•Shampoo -- Intended for use on hair only -- not eyes
•Stroller -- Remove infant before folding for storage
•Curling Iron -- Not for internal use
•Microwave Oven -- Do not use for drying pets
•Child's Playhouse -- This is not a toy
•Toilet Bowl Cleaning Brush -- Do not use orally
•Can of Insecticide -- This spray is harmful to insects
•Firecrackers -- Do not light while holding in mouth
•Peanut Butter -- Warning: May contain nuts
•TV Dinner -- Remove plastic wrap cover before eating
•Batteries -- Do not swallow. C or D batteries may cause choking
•.22-Caliber Rifle -- May cause injury or death
•Hemorrhoid Suppositories -- Remove aluminum wrapping before insertion
•Disposable Diapers -- Dispose of after use
•Electric Cattle Prod -- For use on animals only
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
What Is Pi Good For? The Answer Is Sitting On Your Shoulders
I've waited over fifty years to find out the answer to the question "What is Pi [1] good for?" I found out today when I was trying to figure out my hat size (somewhere between 7 3/4 and 7 7/8). Huge.
One of the common methods of calculating hat size (aside from looking at a chart) is to divide the circumference of your head by Pi!
1. Measure the circumference of your head across the forehead, an inch above your eyebrows and just below the curve of the skull in back.
2. Divide the result by Pi (3.14159).
3. Convert that number to the nearest eighth. This is your hat size.
[1] A transcendental number (approximately 3.14159), Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and is a constant in many mathematical expressions.
The Big Rock Candy Mountains Lyrics
My friend and reader, Pete Backes, sent along the lyrics to this great song by Harry McClintock. Harry was a Wobbly songwriter and wrote at least one other memorable one: Hallelujah I'm A Bum! You may know this tune from the great Cohen Brothers movie, O Brother Where Art Thou? Pete sent the song because he remembered my fascination with hobos. It evokes a vanishing world I had a few glimpses of, growing up as I did, a couple of blocks from the Burlington North railroad to the west, and the Northern Pacific to the east.
Big Rock Candy Mountain
One evening as the sun went down and the jungle fire was burning
Down the track came a hobo hiking and he said boys I'm not turning
I'm headin for a land that's far away beside the crystal fountains
So come with me we'll go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains there's a land that's fair and bright
Where the handouts grow on bushes and you sleep out every night
Where the boxcars are all empty and the sun shines every day
On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees
Where the lemonade springs where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains all the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth and the hens lay soft boiled eggs
The farmer's trees are full of fruit and the barns are full of hay
Oh, I'm bound to go where there ain't no snow
Where the rain don't fall and the wind don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains you never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol come a-trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats and the railroad bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew and of whiskey too
You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains the jails are made of tin
And you can walk right out again as soon as you are in
There ain't no short handled shovels, no axes saws or picks
I'm a goin to stay where you sleep all day
Where they hung the jerk that invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
I'll see you all this coming fall in the Big Rock Candy Mountains
Monday, December 12, 2005
Sopranos' Matt Bevalaqua a/k/a Lilo Brancato Charged In Bronx Cop Killing
He and his partner (who seems to have been the actual shooter) were seriously injured by the officer they gunned down "when they capped a night of drunken partying at a Bronx strip club by breaking into the apartment of a dead man in a sick search for drugs, officials revealed yesterday. "
You may remember him as Matt Bevalaqua in The Sopranos. He played one of the flat out dumbest characters on The Sopranos (and to be the dumbest on that show requires some doing). His character attempts to assassinate Capo Christopher Moltisanti. He didn't feel they were moving up the ladder as quickly as they could. His partner was killed by Christopher during their assassination attempt calculated to win Richie's Aprile's favor. Pussy and Tony kill Bevalaqua in Episode #22 - From Where to Eternity. It's not easy to be a despicable character on The Sopranos, but Brancato pulled it off. Now we learn it was just method acting.
Click on the title of this post to link to the New York Daily News story with all the sordid details.