Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Ballard News Tribune goes after The Onion

By Jack Brummet, Ballard Editor

My daughter pointed out last night that in their latest issue (and often in the past), it looks like The Ballard News Tribune is taking on The Onion.  This issue is chockablock with examples, starting with the wack lead story. . .

click to enlarge

Poem: Lost At Sea

by Jack Brummet

The rings of the splash
Send dopplers
Into the void,
Widening and disappearing
In the cold and lonely sea.

Poem: The Vault

by Jack Brummet

You spend decades slowly
Building a vault with rebar walls
And titanium lining around your heart,
But your loved ones are safecrackers.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Star Wars Porn Parody (this teaser *seems* largely SFW)

By Mona Goldwater, Adult Entertainment Editor

Combining, as it does, many people's two favorite things, doesn't it seem like this upcoming porn movie will be a blockbuster?   They've done The Brady Bunch.  Isn't Star Wars long overdue?


An uneasy, but productive partnership: Martin Luther King and LBJ

Martin Luther King and President Lyndon Johnson had an uneasy partnership, with some mutual suspicion on both sides.  Nonetheless, they did work together, and accomplished much.  On his birthday,  many of us wonder what would have been different had Reverend King lived beyond 1968. 

LBJ hands a pen to MLK after signing the  Civil Rights Act of 1964


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Painting — Ojo, the B Movie Monster

By Jack Brummet

[artist note: all digital;untouched by human hands. The source image was a photograph of the artist.   I don't know if there was ever a horror movie with an Ojo or not.  Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever seen a horror movie with a Cyclops, either.  That's just not right.]

click to enlarge

Saturday, January 14, 2012

ATIT Reheated: Foot Washing Baptists & The Catholic Devils

By Jack Brummet, Comparative Religions Editor
[reprinted from All This Is That, January 6, 2005]

My friend, Doc, recently detailed his involvement in the Rama cult (he didn't jump the rails, but his former guru, Rama, did). [1] He also wrote a couple other interesting pieces on Rama earlier in the week. Rama sounds a little like Marjo Gortner, Jimmy Swaggart, or any other charlatan with a good rap. He was prodigiously good at extracting cash from the flock. Interestingly, he hooked in a lot of software developers just at the moment when many software businesses were cranking up their acts and starting to make boatloads of money.  [Ed's note: see: http://drstephencw.blogspot.com/2005/01/take-me-for-ride.html; http://drstephencw.blogspot.com/2005/01/rama-in-wired.html; http://drstephencw.blogspot.com/2005/01/rama-lama-ding-dong-home-page.html]

Thinking about cults reminded me of my Baptist roots. We were American Baptists. I'm not sure about the other Protestant sects, but our church had definite opinions on the other churches. The Jewish faith was well-regarded, since it was the cornerstone of the Protestant religions. I didn't hear much about the Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Churches of Christ, Grace Fellowship, Reformed Protestant, United Brethren, First Christian Church, Church of the Nazarene, Pentecostal, or even the Menonite, Quaker, Episcopal, Amish, Shaker, or Evangelical Covenant churches.

The Catholic Church was regularly and savagely excoriated. I remember preachers railing against "The Cult of Mary." "THEY FORSAKE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR HIS VIRGIN MOTHER AND CONDEMN THEMSELVES TO PERISH IN THE FIRES OF THE GREAT DECEIVER!"

In our church, the crucifix was empty, but in the Catholic Church, Jesus eternally suffered, nailed to the cross. "THEY CELEBRATE THE AGONY AND MURDER OF OUR LORD IN THEIR STATIONS OF THE CROSS!! THIS CHURCH CELEBRATES THE RESURRECTION OF THE CHRIST TO HEAVEN."


Confession was an excuse to sin even more--a free pass to perdition! Our ministers ranted against The Priests, The Nuns, The Brothers, The Bishops, and Cardinals. Most of all, they railed about the devil incarnate: His Holiness, The Pope, in his gilded palace, The Vatican.

The Reverend bemoaned "THE ABOMINATION OF THE EUCHARIST," the foul and damning Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and its perversion of what was clearly intended by Our Lord to be symbolic. Jack Chick, the infamous creator of religious tracts, would later designate the Eucharist as "the death cookie."


There were, of course, also degrees of weirdness within our own denomination. The Southern Baptists with their prohibitions against makeup and dancing among other things, were considered a hopeless bunch of joyless prunes (even in our church, that went so far as to use Welch's Grape Juice for communion). Looked even further down upon were the Immersion Baptists--who took you to the river for baptisms, even in January. We did that only in the summer, but it was more ceremonial that doctrinaire. Still further down the line were the Foot Washing Baptists. At last you come to the Snake Handling Baptists, who were so out there that they did indeed feel like a cult. There is probably another splinter sect of Baptists somewhere, performing even wackier acts in the name of religion.

When does a cult become mainstream? When does a cult jump on the rail and become a church, or religion? I'm not really sure. Clearly, the Church of Latter Day Saints has transcended cult status and gone on to become the fastest growing church in the world (I think Orthodox Judaism is the second fastest growing).

[1] check out the links in the articles there--one to Wired and one to a whole (free) book on the Project Gutenberg site).

Friday, January 13, 2012

Painting: Elizabeth Taylor

Painting with acrylic, duct tape, pen, marker, and Mr. T's left eye from a kite by Jack Brummet

Reminded of this painting I did because her movie Butterfield 8 was on TV last night. . .


Painting: Moby Dick

By Jack Brummet


20 of our favorite Presdential images: JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Link, Obama, Reagan, Truman, Ike, Taft, Ford, Clinton

By Jack Brummet, Mona Goldwater, and Pablo Fanque, ATIT Editors

As you know, if you've been reading ATIT for long, one focus on this blog is the U.S. Presidency.  We've published hundreds of articles and photographs of the Presidents over the last seven+ years.  Here are 20 of our favorite images.

Dick Nixon, who would become President some years after this
photo, is lighter than air

President Lyndon Johnson plays with his cattle

President Ronald Reagan studies his crib notes before a speech

16 year old Bill Clinton meets JFK on a field trip to Washington, D.C.

President Dwight Eisenhower is lassoed at his inauguration

President Ronald Reagan goofs for the cameras

President Bill and Hillary Clinton sometime before
he took office

President Gerald Ford meets Billy Preston, George Harrison, and Ravi Shankar

President Bill Clinton greets former President Gerald Ford at a dinner
celebrating Ford.  What a sweet picture.
President Jack Kennedy tried to restrain soon to be President Lyndon Johnson

President Lyndon Johnson gives his friend Abe Fortas (Associate Supreme
Court Justice) The Johnson Treatment

In an oddly-mirrored room, President Johnson gives his successor, President Dick
Nixon, the Johnson Treatment

President Abe Lincoln pre-beard

Soon to be President Obama, happy on the campaign trail.  We wish we could see
this look on his face again.

President Dick Nixon meets some actors in space garb.  Jack can't
track this down, but seems to remember it was taken at Disneyland
Paul Krassner's realist gave a twisted spin to this photograph of President Reagan at a meet
and greet.  This is Pablo's favorite Presidential photo, because Pablo is one sick biscuit.
President Howard Taft in all his voluminous glory

A bandaged President Jack Kennedy ekes out the last bit of a cigar

One of Jack's favorites - President Harry Truman serenades Lauren Bacall. After Truman's wife
Bess saw this picture, she hit the roof and forbade him any more shenanigans like this.  This is Mona's favorite, and she says she understands why Bess was angry.  Look at those pins on Bacall!

Maybe the most famous of the all - Blitzed out on goofballs, Elvis meets President Dick Nixon at the White House and asks for an honorary drug agent badge

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Alien Lore No. 219 — Did young Barack Obama visit Mars?

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Editor

photograph of Mars' surface courtesy of JPL/NASA

“Simply put, your task is to be seen and not eaten,” retired astronaut Army Maj. Ed Dames, told a young Barack Obama as he was sent on a mission to Mars.  Wired's Danger Room recently told of  a claim by Andrew D. Basiago and William Stilling (who say they were time-traveling government agents) that the CIA organized missions to explore Mars during the 1980's.  More than one of these missions included the 19 year old future President. 

Basiago and Stilling say that BHO was one of a group of young people selected to teleport and from Mars.  Mr. Obama is said to have visited Mars twice between 1981 and 1983 via a "jump room."

The CIA wished to “establish a defense regime protecting the Earth from threats from space” as well as a legal claim to “territorial sovereignty.”  "Obama’s CIA handlers needed him to 'acclimate Martian humanoids and animals to their presence' in order to secure the U.S.-Martian alliance."  

Tommy Vietor, a National Security Council spokesperson says that The President never went to Mars, unless you count "watching Marvin the Martian."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Barry Goldwater pilots a 737 between Seattle and Everett, Wash.

Thank the Lord he wasn't piloting a bomber!  The original caption to this photo:

"1964 GOP Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater pilots a Boeing 737 twinjet during a visit to Boeing facilities. Goldwater flew the plane from Seattle to Everett, Washington, and back, including take-off and landings, while touring Boeing plants assembling the 737 and 747 superjet."