Saturday, August 25, 2012

R.I.P. Neil Armstrong, one of the people who helped us dream

By Jack Brummet, Aerospace Editor

R.I.P. Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) .  Neil Armstrong was an American astronauttest pilotuniversity professor and navy aviator. He was the first human to set foot on the Moon (we're pretty sure!).


Rules of combat

The Rules of Combat

1.  If the enemy is in range, so are you.
2.  Incoming fire has the right of way.
3.  Don't look conspicuous; it draws fire.
4.  The easy way is always mined.
5.  Try to look unimportant; they may be low on ammo.
6.  The enemy invariably attacks on one of two occasions.
7.  Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy someone else to shoot at.
8.  If your attack is going well, you have walked into an ambush.
9.  The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly
10. If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
11. When in doubt, empty the magazine.
12. Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you.
13. Make it too tough for the enemy to get in and you can't get out.
14. Mines are equal opportunity weapons.
15. A Purple Heart just proves that you were smart enough to think of a plan,
stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive.
16. Don't ever be the first; don't ever be the last; and don't ever volunteer to do
17. The quartermaster has only two sizes: too large and too small.
18. Five second fuses only last three seconds.
19. It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.

Mitt Romney goes full retard, joins the birther movement

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

The Obama campaign didn't waste any time getting out this 15 second spot. I love hardball and I love mudslinging. But with this, Mitt Romney finally breached the line of decency. He's now playing to the wacko fringe, and shedding groups of supporters and undecideds in the middle every inch of the way. 

People laughed at me saying this today, but I really thought better of Romney. But even 'though I had sworn off campaign donations this time around in my disgust at post Citizens-United campaign funding, tonight I am transmitting e-cash to the Obama campaign.

Mitt Romney is one sick biscuit. Enough of this neck and neck in the polls BS. It's time to take out the Romney-Ryan brain trust. This is war. And it doesn't need to be fought on November 6th. When you have the sickness, you don't wait--you bomb it with antibiotics or excise the infection. Mitt Romney is now a diseased part that needs to be chopped away. "Fell deeds, await. Now for wrath. Now for ruin, and the red dawn!" 

Poem: War Itself

By Jack Brummet

This artistic work created by the United Kingdom Government is in the public domain.

War itself often
Becomes more important

Than the reasons
For which the war is fought.

At war’s end,
The win goes to those who lost least.


The dead come back
To haunt the men of war.

Spooks attach themselves
To the victors like a conjoined twin.

What happened
To the Armies Of The Night

Tilting against power
To end a war?

Friday, August 24, 2012

More favorite photos of the Presidents (and one First Lady)

By Jack Brummet, Presidents Editor

      President Gerald Ford greets Billy Preston, George Harrison, and Ravi Shankar at the White House

Not sure what point WJC was making here

A collage of President cut-outs

President Teddy Roosevelt laughs

President Dubyah

Two Presidents: Bill Clinton meets JFK on a Boy Scout trip to Washington D.C.

One of my favorites - Gerald Ford near the end of his life with Bill Clinton

JFK attempts to calm VP LBJ down

Dick Nixon gets The Johnson Treatment

LBJ's good friend Abe Fortas also gets The Johnson Treatment

A truly bizarre photo of Dick Nixon taken in the 1960 Presidential Campaign

Nancy Reagan, with creepy bunnies

Dick Nixon at one of the most exclusive bowling alleys in the world - at the White House

Supermodels invade the Reagan White House

Dance and song line at the Reagan White House with Shirley Jones and the late Marvin Hammlisch

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Psychopathy self-test

By Jack Brummet, Behavioral Sciences Editor

Are you a psychopath? Take this self-test and find out.  But, remember. . .no cheating.  Not that a psychopath would have any compunction about cheating.

Robert Hare's Psychopathy Checklist-Revised is the psycho-diagnostic tool most commonly used to assess Psychopathy.

Disclaimer: Your scores may have important consequences for your future, and this test should only be considered valid if administered by a qualified and experienced clinician under controlled conditions. As a life-long student and observer of abnormal psychology, I am emminently qualified to administer the test (further disclaimer: I would also consider myself qualified to perform surgery, having carved a few birds and beasts over the years). And what could be a more controlled environment than All This Is That?  So grab your pencils and let's get started.

Psychopathy Checklist-Revised

This clinical rating scale contains 20 items. Each item is scored on a three-point (0, 1, 2) scale according to  a semi-structured interview. A value of 0 is assigned if the item does not apply, 1 if it applies somewhat, and 2 if it fully applies. The items are as follows:

0 1 2 Glibness/superficial charm
0 1 2  Grandiose sense of self-worth
0 1 2  Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
0 1 2  Pathological lying
0 1 2  Conning/manipulative
0 1 2  Lack of remorse or guilt
0 1 2  Shallow affect
0 1 2  Callous/lack of empathy
0 1 2  Parasitic lifestyle
0 1 2  Poor behavioral controls
0 1 2  Promiscuous sexual behavior
0 1 2  Early behavioral problems
0 1 2  Lack of realistic, long-term goals
0 1 2  Impulsivity
0 1 2  Irresponsibility
0 1 2  Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
0 1 2  Many short-term marital relationships
0 1 2  Juvenile delinquency
0 1 2  Revocation of conditional release
0 1 2  Criminal versatility

The cutoff for psychopathy is 30 points or greater, although some studies recommend 25. If you scored even over 10, I'm not saying you're ready for the laughing academy, but I'm not sure I want to have you  babysit my children either.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The high mortality rate of Presidents (18.2%)

By Jack Brummet, Presidents Editor

With an 18.2% mortality rate, the occupation of being President is far riskier than coal mining, law enforcement, working on a bomb squad, or as a daredevil.  Of the 44 Presidents, eight went out the door feet first; four from natural causes and four from assassination.  Warren Gamaliel Harding (POTUS 29), pictured below, died of a heart attack after two scandal-filled years in office.

POTUS President Days in office Date of death Cause of death Age
9 William Henry Harrison 31 4/4/1841 Pneumonia/pleurisy 68
12 Zachary Taylor 491 7/9/1850 Acute Gastroenteritis 65
16 Abraham Lincoln 1,503 4/15/1865 Assassinated 56
20 James A. Garfield 199 9/9/1881 Assassinated 49
25 William McKinley 1,654 9/14/01 Assassinated 58
29 Warren G. Harding 881 8/2/23 Heart attack 57
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt 4,422 4/12/45 Cerebral hemorrhage 63
35 John F. Kennedy 1,036 11/22/63 Assassinated 46


Alien Lore No. 239 - Cattle abduction


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A most excellent photograph of the 29th President of the United States, Warren G. Harding

By Jack Brummet, Presidents Editor

Warren G. Harding was one of the most interesting, and most corrupt Presidents of the United States ever.  He was the first incumbent Senator ever to be elected President.  He was only President for a little over two years when he keeled over and died, not long after the Teapot Dome scandal broke.  History has not looked on his Presidency favorably, although his administration had several notable accomplishments, including halving the unemployment rate.

Historians have almost never given Harding positive presidential reviews, mainly due to the numerous scandals that enveloped his administration.  His presidency has therefore usually been ranked very low on the Presidential scale...right near the bottom.  The Wikipedia entry for Harding is pretty well-balanced captures both his highs and lows.  Check it out here
