Thursday, October 09, 2014

How to dodge a hand grenade

By Jack Brummet, Munitions Ed.

I found this fascinating. So much of what we know about war comes from the movies and television.  Real life isn't so neat and tidy. This Q & A appeared recently on the Quora site:

What is the best thing to do when a grenade is thrown?

Answered by Dan Rosenthal, U.S. Army Infantry, (Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Target Acquisition), OIF I/II Veteran

The generally accepted fragmentation radius for a frag grenade is 30-35 feet, and the fuse length will be between 3-5 seconds. So usually running isn't going to be an option for you. If you can take cover, do so. If not, hit the deck and get as low as possible, as the majority of the fragmentation will go upwards. Beyond that, there's not a whole lot to be done.

Followup questions:

Head first, sideways, or feet first? Head first. Your Kevlar helmet is specifically designed to stop shrapnel, and your plate carrier generally is going to only protect you in three spots -- straight on from the front, straight on from the back, and over the shoulders (with shoulder pads, which most troops deploy with these days). By presenting a minimal cross-section to the grenade, you're minimizing the fragments that can hit you, and by presenting your most armored front to the grenade, you're protecting yourself from what fragments do hit you. Feet first is a bad idea -- you don't have any significant protection there, and it's a great way to get your femoral artery severed. Leg and intestinal wounds are both incredibly painful, and incredibly dangerous in the field. Sideways is even worse; your plate carrier won't have any protection under the arms, and you're maximizing the frontage of your body that is exposed to the blast.

Pick it up and throw it back? Not a chance. There's no way you have enough time. Assuming a 4 second fuse length, two of which are spent in flight, you have just two seconds to notice the grenade, react, reach down, pick it up, plant your feet, lift up, and throw it far enough that you're clear of the blast radius. Not going to happen except in the ultra-rarest of situations. Plus, while you're faffing about with that, whoever threw the grenade at you is still putting fire down on your position.


Monday, October 06, 2014

Poem: The World Seems Especially Verisimilitudinous Tonight

By Jack Brummet

Swim run fly crawl & creep —
Animals don't kill time
And time loves them back.

Threading high fidelity cirrus,
The sun unloads the last of its rays
And blesses the mountain palisade.

So much depends upon
Keeping this up.
And a red

Sunday, October 05, 2014

The paddle ball sculpture at Big Fish Games in Seattle

By Jack Brummet

I was at Big Fish Games for a meeting today.  The last time I was there must have been nearly ten years ago, when they were still pretty much in startup mode. Wow. Things have changed.  Really impressive offices.   The paddle ball sculpture in the parking lot was created by the artist Catherine Mayer in 2011.  


Saturday, October 04, 2014

Don't sit or lie down on the streets of Fremont

By Jack Brummet, Frelard Ed.

This sign is around the corner from my office in Fremont.  Those are pretty similar to the hours when people sleep on the street in Mumbai--they settle in at dark and are up and about just after sunrise.  I've never seen anyone sleeping on our block or nearby, but the sign must be there for some reason.


Friday, October 03, 2014

The 13th Man: Seahawks Fairweather Fans

By Jack Brummet

A flag for the 13th Man, the Seattle Seahawks fairweather friends,  Go Hawks!  LOB!


The Finger: our bi-monthly round up

By Mona Goldwater, Signs & Gestures Ed.

Our irregular scheduled round-up of middle fingers we've collected, a couple from College Humor, and a handful of reader submissions.


Thursday, October 02, 2014

The "fail whale" of Ello

By Jack Brummet

Not too surprising, if it is really growing as fast as they say. Remember the frequent Twitter fail whale?  I think they said they were either receiving 30,000 invite requests an hour, or were adding 30,000 users an hour... 


Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Alien Lore No. 264 - Intelligent Life Beyond Earth

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore Ed.

At a panel discussion on Monday, scientists from NASA said they were closer than ever to finding out for sure if we have cousins Out There.

Former astronaut and NASA Administrator Charles Bolden made it clear where NASA's collective head is on this issue in his opening statement: 

"Do we believe there is life beyond Earth?" he asked. "I would venture to say that most of my colleagues here today say it is improbable that in the limitless vastness of the universe we humans stand alone."

Read the entire story in the Los Angeles Times here

An amazing houseboat on Lake Pend Oreille

Katrina Bondra's photo of a houseboat on Lake Pend Oreille (non NWers: pronounced Pond O-ray).
