Monday, November 03, 2014

Poem: Mission Statement

By Jack Brummet

You don't need to see
A discounted cash flow analysis.

You only need to know
If the right people are in your pocket,

And, if not, whom should be bought off,
Scared off, or bumped off?

Drawing: Faces #939 - smudged

By Jack Brummet


Sunday, November 02, 2014

Poem: Tendrils

By Jack Brummet

When a tree is chopped down
Volunteer shoots sprout
From the roots,

Sending out tendrils of life 
In an urgent last gasp
— A genetic S.O.S.— 

Like what they say 
When you hang a man.

Drawing: Faces No. 938 - sections

By Jack Brummet


Drawing: Faces No. 934

By Jack Brummet


Saturday, November 01, 2014

Drawing: Faces No. 937

By Jack Brummet


Poem: Potential

By Jack Brummet

In your chest beats
The heart of a Good Samaritan

Who never quite got off
The starting blocks

Poem: Resurrection

By Jack Brummet

He was ready to live again
Even if living just meant running
To keep ahead of the ghosts.

Painting: Hurricane

By Jack Brummet

[Acrylic, pencil, and pen and ink on primed stretched canvas, 3' x 4' n a barn wood frame]

click to enlarge

Friday, October 31, 2014

The topless photo removed from Chelsea Handler's Instagram Account

By Mona Goldwater, Social Mores Ed.

In a bit of not really controversial news today, Instagram removed a photo of Chelsea Handler (parodying Vladimir Putin on horseback) from her Instagram ( page.  This is the photo:


Early Barack Obama Halloween Costume


Poem: Orgy in the pantry

By Jack Brummet

I step in and nearly trip on
Mr. Peanut, on his back
With a Grand Coulee grin
As Sara Lee in fishnet stockings straddles him,
Rubbing peanut butter on her nether parts.
Snap, Crackle and Pop
conjugate with the Campbell Soup Twins.
Aunt Jemima and Chef Boy-Ar-Dee
Are in the corner, half undressed,
Staring into each others eyes
And sharing a bottle of wine.
Duncan Hines is against the wall
Watching. . .getting solo kicks,
Digging the scene at a voyeur remove
Where spectation trumps participation.
Uncle Ben and Speedy Alka Seltzer
Sip mint juleps, watching the Doublemint Twins'
Synchronous Messopotamian strip-tease.
Mr. Clean and Tony The Tiger are oiled up
Like Greeks, grappling on the pine floorboards.
Enveloped in a churning cloud of flour,
Betty Crocker's housedress is hiked up around her hips,
Arms on the Pilsbury Doughboy's shoulders.
The Jolly Green Giant and Mrs. Butterworth
Waltz around the pantry
And Mrs. B's feet never touch the floor.
Captain Crunch, Colonel Sanders,
Bazooka Joe and The Frito Bandido
Sit in a circle, passing a bong
And laughing at the show.