Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jack's Tweets from the GOP 10/28/2015 GOP debate

By Jack Brummet, GOP-Tea Party Ed.

I always try to live tweet the whole thing, and then reality, a.k.a.,  the actual debate sets in. But this wasn't a bad debate.  I think it will "move the needle" a little.  No one actually had a Rick Perry moment or anything, but Jeb Bush was pathetic (and next to the least screen/talk time). 538 seems to think it's just about the end of the line for the Bush fiasco.  Me too.

  1. The most memorable & creepiest image lingering from the is the thought of being on the receiving end of a warm kiss.
  2. "Do you want me to answer, or do you want to answer? . . .that would be rude even in New Jersey."
  3. Trump: "I don't know, you guys write this stuff."
  4. Ben Carson just got the audience to boo a panelist. That was pretty sweet. Strange inquisition.
  5.   Retweeted
    Cruz: Questions are designed to get candidates to rip into each other. he's right. Moderators losing control.
  6. Ted Cruz actually just made sense.
  7. In the last few minutes, four candidates have talked about what nice people they are.@
  8. Jeb is largely silent. It's almost time to wheel in the crash cart. When he does pipe up, it's about Rubio's day job.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A GIF of some famous musician mugshots


Is Bernie Sanders soft on guns? Probably.

By Jack Brummet, 2nd Amendment Ed.

For quite a while, I've wondered why Sanders' supporters—a generally pretty left-leaning group of people—have such a blind spot for his stance on guns.  And a couple of other issues, like immigration.  It seems at odds with what I perceive of as his supporters' core values.  I guess not, eh?
