Thursday, February 11, 2016

NASA/JPL releases a set of amazing interstellar travel posters

By Jack Brummet, Alien Lore and Space Travel Ed.

NASA/JPL has just released some pretty amazing and aspirational travel posters.  "As you look through these images of imaginative travel destinations, remember that you can be an architect of the future."  Jump here to see the entire set and download any or all of them.  


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

David Brooks's unexpected pro-Obama editorial

By Mona Goldwater, Democratic Primary and Caucus Ed.

Coming from David Brooks, this is pretty fascinating. Brooks praises President Obama's humanity, integrity, and decision making.   Read his fascinating editorial here

As our friend and reader Francis pointed out, after a brief flirtation with BHO over some pointy-headed philosophy, Brooks pretty much hunkered down and gently/fiercely hectored President Obama for the last seven years. This piece makes me like Brooks even more. I don't read editorials often, but when I do, I have liked his pieces. He's almost always wrong, but wrong in a right way. And he's right about President Obama.

"No, Obama has not been temperamentally perfect. Too often he’s been disdainful, aloof, resentful and insular. But there is a tone of ugliness creeping across the world, as democracies retreat, as tribalism mounts, as suspiciousness and authoritarianism take center stage. Obama radiates an ethos of integrity, humanity, good manners and elegance that I’m beginning to miss, and that I suspect we will all miss a bit, regardless of who replaces him."
For all the sniping now, it will only be a few short years before he is remembered fondly and, maybe, even beloved. David Brooks new found love of BHO's character may very well be influenced by the treachery, whoppers, hot air, bluster, and sewage he's been forced to consume in the 2015/16 GOP-Tea Party television debates.

How far back do we have to go to find a previous President with real integrity? '76 and Jimmy Carter? Cal Coolidge? Or maybe all the way back to Grover Cleveland (who is universally considered to be the most honest, integrity-riddled U.S. politician ever). Maybe Bernie Sanders is up there too. I don't know. But working across the aisle/bipartisanship always moves me, and I like that Brooks put this out there for the GOP and pundits to see.

Citizen Trump and Senator Sanders's perception issues

By Jack Brummet, GOP-Tea Party Ed.

click to enlarge

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Monday, February 08, 2016

Painting: Eight Nudes (digital)

By Jack Brummet

click to enlarge

In God We Trust's first appearance on U.S. currency

I'm all for hedging our bets and including every prophet and deity we can think of, up to and including Yaweh, Mohammed, Jeebo, The White Goddess, Frigg, Hailie Selassie, Gyhldeptis, Bikeh, Hozho , Lono, Waheguru, Mithra, Achiyalatopa, Manannan, mac Lir, The Eight Immortals, Baal, and Moloch.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Marco Rubio's Rick Perry moment.

By Jack Brummet, GOP/Tea Party Ed.

Rubio had his long overdue Rick Perry moment tonight when Christie had him on the ropes and he repeated the same thing--nearly verbatim--four times.  His aides made him memorize six short index cards, and when the time came he could only remember the Obama one. 

He'll drop in the polls overnight and the contributors will stop answering the phones as of now.

Drawing: Faces #1337 - parts

By Jack Brummet


Thursday, February 04, 2016

Poem: The Quest

By Jack Brummet

Public domain image, "Soria Moria," painted by by Theodor Kittelsen in 1914.

It’s all one story—
                           A ragged
                                        Shape-shifting tale

Of incredible coherence and constance,
                           Encompassing all you know,
                                         All you don’t know you know.
There is more
                            To be seen, tasted, heard, and felt
                                         Than can ever be known or told.

Our myths flourish and spread,
                              Person to person, 
                                          And mysteries of the seas, skies and stars
Fill our collective conscience
                              With mystical scenes,
       Quests, and tales of greatness.

These myths, tales, and fables
                              Cannot be invented,
                                           Or ordered, or denied.
