Sunday, March 06, 2005

Heroes And Villains No. 29--> Phyllis Schlafly & Peter Jackson

Click to enlarge.

The Dog Suicides, Part 2

Click the pooch to enlarge.

This story has been bugging me: No one has a more cynical estimation of dog intelligence than I do. They will fetch a stick for hours, they sit endlessly waiting to be petted, and you can hook them up in teams to drag a sled through miles of snow. They are faithful and devoted, but they are none too swift. They are flat-out too dumb to commit suicide (not that committing suicide is a hallmark of intelligence...but it does indicate reasoning, however faulty).

A passel of heroic dog stories exist, but I look upon them with a jaundiced eye. We have even heard stories before of animal suicide (the greatly exaggerated stories of lemmings marching off cliffs into the sea). Aside from the well-known urban legend of a dog chasing a ball thrown through a top-floor apartment's window, there is not a lot of information about dog suicides.

The dogs in Dumbarton, Scotland are either being hucked off the bridge by some sicko, or the highly improbable explanation of an optical illusion is actually true. I hope they follow up this story.

Heroes And Villains No. 28--> President George W. Bush & Andy Warhol

Click to enlarge.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Dog Suicides

Animal researchers are concerned after at least five dogs are said to have thrown themselves from an historic bridge in the past six months. Dogs don't commit suicide. At least as far as we know today. Click on the title to link to this story... /jack

Boy, 8, arrested after violent tantrum

Associated Press
Mar. 4, 2005 08:00 AM

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. - Police arrested an 8-year-old boy who allegedly had a violent outburst in school, head-butting his teacher and kicking an assistant principal, when he was told he couldn't go outside to play with other students.

The 4-foot pupil was led away from Rawls Byrd Elementary School in handcuffs Tuesday and charged with disorderly conduct and assault and battery.

"It's not something that happens every day," Maj. Stan Stout said of what could be the department's youngest arrest ever.

Stout said the chair-tossing, desk-turning outburst occurred after a teacher, and later the assistant principal, attempted to stop the boy from joining his classmates.

The child was later released to his parents.

Heroes And Villains No. 27--> Edith Piaf & Hermann Goering

Click to enlarge.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Beatallica: Cease And Desist

Sony Music has shut down Beatallica, all their music downloads, and their websites. Beatallica performs parodies of Beatle songs done in the style of Metallica. I love this stuff.

It is no surprise that those killjoys at Sony wanted this music off the net. They want to be able to use The Beatles music to sell sneakers and detergent. This could dilute that??

Tunes like Hey Dude, Leper Madonna, I want to choke your band, and A Garage Dayz Night are clearly parodies, and should be allowed.

An online petition has been started (if you believe in petitions) at

Heroes And Villains No. 26--> Two People born in 1893--> Anita Loos & Joachim von Ribbentrop

Click to enlarge.

Heroes And Villains No. 25--> Congresswoman (and 1972 Presidential Candidate) Shirley Chisholm & Senator Joseph ("tailgunner Joe") McCarthy

Click image to enlarge.