Sunday, January 08, 2006

Links to the best of the original art on All This Is That

Collage: Happy New Year, Republicans!
Painting: The balance of power tilts
Painting: The President's Head Explodes During A Press Conference
Drawing: Teaching a horse the missionary position
A Company Photograph
Photograph collage: Donald Rumsfeld
Flag No. 16
Painting: W
Drawing: Lines
Sixteen Panels

Collage: Five Presidents
Painting: The Grey landing party
Painting: The nudist beauty pageant
Easel painting: A Jury of your peers
Painting: The spooks from the C.I.A.

Painting: The missing link
PaintingL The tyrannosaurus steps into history
All This Is That Poster
Painting: Cyclops
Painting: The 28 men who run the world

Painting: Self portrait
POTUS 28: President Woodrow Wilson - The President Who Short-Circuited & POTUS 28A: President Edith Wilson - An Alternate Portrait
Painting: Movie Love scene
All This Is That: Jack Drawing: Faces No. 467
All This Is That: Hobo Signs
Painting: Cyclops 2
Faces No. 407
Painting: Abduction
Another All This Is That Poster

The Grey
Priest Cartoon
Poster for The Seattle Sledgehammer Murder Movie
Chou En Lai collage and painting
New Years
Painting: General Douglas MacArthur
Heroes And Villains No. 20--> Two More Catholics--> Keelin Curran & Pope Alexander VI a/k/a Rodrigo Borgia a/k/a "The Bad Pope"
Heroes and villains no. 10 --> Ma Barker and Elizabeth Gaskell
Heroes And Villains No. 7---> Two Bald Guys--> Hideki Tojo and John Glenn
Heroes And Villains No. 6--> Jerry Garcia and Tokyo Rose (aka Ikuko Toguri)
Heroes and villains no. 4 --> Jeffrey Dahmer and Daniel Boone
Heroes & Villains No. 18--> Joni Mitchell and Maier Suchowljansky (a/k/a Meyer Lansky)
Heroes and villains no. 1 --> Adolph Shcikelgruber Hitler and Lyndon Baines Johnson
Flag No. 19

POTUS No. 9 - Wm. Henry Harrison, The drive-by President
POTUS 34: Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower - A Most Detached President
POTUS 38: Pres. Gerald R. Ford - Pardon Me, Mister President!
POTUS 16: Pres. Abraham Lincoln - The Most Beloved President?
Painting: Lines 2
POTUS 42: Pres. William Jefferson Clinton - The Comeback Kid
POTUS 35: Pres. Jack Kennedy - Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye
The peacekeeper robot
Heroes and villains No. 49: Mario Cuomo and Ann Coulter
Heroes And Villains No. 40--> Larry Rivers & Lucrezia Borgia (a/k/a The Duchess of Ferrara), Daughter of Heroes And Villains No. 20, Pope Alexander VI
Painting: The UFOs approach warp speed
Painting: Judge Alito
Heroes and villains no. 38 - Eleanor Roosevelt and Lee Harvey Oswald
Painting: Alien Landing part No. 2
Painting: Bipolar
Painting: Meet the new boss
Heroes and villains no. 35 - Doris Lessing and Typhoid Mary
Heroes and villains no. 34 - Mata Hari and Dr. William Carlos Williams
Heroes and villains no. 32 - John Lennon and Carrie Nation
Heroes and villains no. 31 - Nina Simone and Lynette Squeaky Fromme
Painting: The Wheel of progress
Heroes And Villains No. 29--> Phyllis Schlafly & Peter Jackson
Heroes And Villains No. 26--> Two People born in 1893--> Anita Loos & Joachim von Ribbentrop
Heroes And Villains No. 25--> Congresswoman (and 1972 Presidential Candidate) Shirley Chisholm & Senator Joseph ("tailgunner Joe") McCarthy
Painting: A Grey Visitor
Painting: Grey Alien No. 7
Painting: The battle for Rohan
Heroes and villains no. 23 - J. Edgar Hoover and Billie Holiday
Potus No. 33 - Harry S. Truman (The buck stops here)
Potus No. 17 - Andrew Johnson - The Worst President Ever?
Potus No. 39 - James Earl Carter
POTUS 15: President James Buchanan, The Man Who Left A Divided Country And War For Pres. Abraham Lincoln

Painting: U.S. Flag
Potus No. 8 - Martin Van Buren

Potus no. 21 - Chester Alan Arthur
Potus No. 2 - John Adams
Painting: The return of the king
Potus No. 43 - George W. Bush
Mosaic of George W. Bush
POTUS 13 - Pres. Millard Fillmore: Another Partial Term President
Potus No. 37 - Richard Nixon and the comedy of errors
Potus No. 10 - John Tyler, the first accidental president
POTUS 12: Pres. Zachary Taylor - The President Who Mostly Closely Resembled Mel Brooks
Seven Year Art Project - No. 12
Painting - The Invasion

Seven year art project no. 10
Seven year art project - no. 9
Easel painting: The flash
Easel painting: Bluehead
Easel painting: I read the news today
POTUS 32: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt - The Man In The Wheelchair Who Lifted The Country On His Shoulders; The Only POTUS To Win Four Terms
Painting: grey alien from Zeta Reticuli
Painting: Adam and Eve
Painting: Gomorrah
Painting: Chancellor Hitler

Tom DeLay turns tail and steps down as Majority Leader

It seems fitting, somehow, that the guy who used to make his living as an exterminator ended up as the exterminated. Tom DeLay has been taking a lot of point blank shots from people he prevously wouldn't have deemed fit to kiss his boots. Those shots have escalated into jarring body blows. In the end, the ex-Majority Leader admitted the inevitable and abandoned his battle to hold on to the House leadership. Heh heh. You can read a less partisan version of the day's events here, on MSNBC.COM.

Facing an apparent sea change in Republican politics, DeLay, the one-time poster boy for the conservative revolution, threw in the towel yesterday under intense pressure from a Republican Party bitch-slapped, ambushed, and hamstrung by an unending parade of devastating news that continues unabated in 2006--an election year for every member of the House!

"I have always acted in an ethical manner within the rules of our body and the laws of our land," the Texas bad boy told fellow Republicans in a letter. There were shouts of jubilation from the Republican side of the aisle when they read the news. Not from us: Democrats hoped he'd continue his pointless and factionalizing fight until election time.

Delay went on in his letter to say "I cannot allow our adversaries to divide and distract our attention." The royal we is in operation here. "Our adversaries" are merely the prosecutors vying to put Delay behind bars.

Until yesterday, Tom DeLay insisted he would reclaim his rightful position after clearing his name. And then Black Jack Abramoff turning state's evidence drug him even further into the mud.

Reps. Roy Blunt of Missouri, the GOP whip, and John Boehner of Ohio, a one-time member of the leadership, want the job, along with two or tree others.

Speaker of the House Hastert said he expects elections to be held when lawmakers return to the Capitol the week of Jan. 31. Congress had put off resuming until late January in hopes Delay could put his troubles behind him. Heh heh.

Democrats, poised to take control of the House in November, twisted the knife around a bit:

"The culture of corruption is so pervasive in the Republican conference that a single person stepping down is not nearly enough to clean up the Republican Congress," said Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader.

Democrats must gain 15 seats in November to win control of the 435-member House. A year ago that seemed like a hopeless pipe-dream. Today? It seems inevitable.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ir's not fascism when we do it

click to enlarge

In "Fascism Anyone?," Laurence Britt identifies 14 characteristics common to fascist regimes. His comparisons of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto, and Pinochet yielded this list of 14 "identifying characteristics of fascism." Click here to read or download an interesting PDF pamphlet on the 14 characteristics and their current analogues... It's just a little spooky!

1.) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2.) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
3.) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
4.) Supremacy of the Military
5.) Rampant Sexism
6.) Controlled Mass Media
7.) Obsession with National Security
8.) Religion and Government are Intertwined
9.) Corporate Power is Protected
10.) Labor Power is Suppressed
11.) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts
12.) Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13.) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14). Fraudulent Elections


D.C. Bar disagrees with rules on sex with customers, considers masturbation and other alternatives

The leadership of the Bar Association in Washington, D.C. objects to rules barring sex with clients outright, according to a news story from The Associated Press.

The bar insists their objection to a rule proposed for D.C.'s 80,000 lawyers doesn't mean they approve of lawyers engaging in sex acts with their customers. No, no, no!

Instead, of an actual rule, the bar would like a warning that sleeping with clients could create a conflict of interest.

"At the very least," one spokeswoman said "sleeping with the clients can lead to problems with billings. It's hard to perform aggressive billing on a company when you've been thrashing around naked all night with one of the principals. Or their husband or wife!"

Another spokesman insisted off the record that the bar was considering urging its attorneys to use masturbation as a first line of defense. "It may not solve the problem, " the spokesman said, "but it takes the heat off for a while." "We've also asked our attorneys to make wider use of the many commercial escort services available in the Washington-area. "

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Republicans begin to eat their young, self-immolate, and rat out their brethren

According to Time Magazine, convicted Congressman Duke Cunningham wore a wire when talking to friends and associates. . . He agreed to wear a wire after agreeing to cooperate with a corruption probe. Click on the link for details...

Johnny Cash: lyrics for "What Is Truth?"

When this song came out, in 1970, it was an inspiration and a shot in the arm. After Merle Haggard's "Okie From Muskogee" in 1969, that AWFUL "An Open Letter To My Son" (click here to hear that tune in a previous post) and tunes like Barry Sadler's "The Green Berets," it was a relief to hear a song like this, from the "older generation." During those dark Nixon war years, with J. Edgar Hoover running wild, where hardhats and Hells Angels beat up hippies and other peace marchers, it was good to hear one of the country stalwarts defend "the kids." Johnny was on our side.

What is truth?
by Johnny Cash, 1970

The old man turned off the radio
Said: "Where did all the old songs go?
Kids sure play funny music these days!
And they play it in the strangest ways
Everything seems so loud and wild
It was peaceful back when I was a child."
Well, man, could it be the girls and boys
Are tryin' to be heard above your noise
And the lonely voice of youth cries:
"What is truth?"

A little boy of three sittin' on the floor
Looked up and said, " Daddy, what is war?"
"Son that's when people fight and die."
The little boy of three says,"Daddy, why?"
A young man of seventeen in Sunday school
Is being taught the golden rule
By the time another years gone around
It may be his turn to lay his own life down!
Can you blame the voice of youth for asking:
"What is truth?"

A young man sittin' on the witness stand
The man with a book says, "Raise your hand!
Repeat after me, I solemnly swear"
The judge looked down at his long hair
And although the young man solemnly swore
Nobody seemed to hear anymore
And it really didn't matter if the truth was there
It was the cut of his clothes and the length of his hair!
And the lonely voice of youth cries:
"What is truth?"

A young girl dancin' to the latest beat
Has found new ways to move her feet
A young man standin' in the city square
Is tryin' to tell somebody that he cares
"Yeah, the ones that your callin' wild
Are gonna be the leaders in a little while
This old world is breakin' to a new born day
And I solemnly swear that it will be their way!
You'd help that voice of youth find:
'What is truth'!"

And the lonely voice of youth cries:
(Spoken)"What is truth?"

An Open Letter To My Teenage Son

No wonder we were crazy in the 60s. This "song" was a big hit on AM radio. A lot of parents thought it was a smart piece of writing (as opposed to, say, smarmy, reactionary claptrap). It was just flat depressing. But then that's the way it was. I remember a lot of heated arguments with angry adults, and teachers and Sunday school teachers over the war and protesting and burning draft cards. I even witnessed an actual father-son fight over the war. I tracked the song down to You can listen to it on your PC, or download it... Click here to listen.

An Open Letter To My Teenage Son
by Victor Lundberg

Dear son:

You ask my reaction to long hair or beards on young people
Some great men have worn long hair and beards
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln
If to you long hair or a beard is a symbol of independence
If you believe in your heart that the principles of this country
Our heritage, is worthy of this display of pride
That all men shall remain free
That free men at all times will not inflict their personal limitations
Of achievement on others,
That demands your own rights as well as the rights of others
And be willing to fight for this right, you have my blessings

You ask that I not judge you merely as a teenager
To judge you on your own personal habits, abilities and goals
This is a fair request and I promise that I will not judge any person
Only as a teenager if you will constantly remind yourself that some of my
generation judge people by their race, their belief or the color
of their skin and that this is no more right than saying all
teenagers are drunken dope addicts or glue sniffers
If you will judge every human being on his own individual potential
I will do the same.

You ask me if God is dead
This is a question each individual must answer within himself
But a warm summer day with all its brightness
All its sound, all its exhilarating breathiness just happened
God is love. Remember that God is a guide and not a storm trooper
Realize that many of the past and present generation
Because of a well intended but unjustifiable misconception
Have attempted to legislate morality
This created part of the basis
For your generation's need to rebel against our society
With this knowledge perhaps your children will never ask
Is God dead?
I sometimes think much of mankind is attempting to work Him to death

You ask my opinion of draft card burners. I would answer this way
All past wars have been dirty, unfair, immoral, bloody and second-guessed
However, history has shown most of them necessary
If you doubt that our free enterprise system
In the United States is worth protecting, if you doubt the principles
Upon which this country was founded, that we remain free to choose our religion
Our individual endeavors, our method of government
If you doubt that each free individual in this great country
should reap rewards commensurate only with his own efforts
Than it is doubtful you belong here

If you doubt that people who govern us
Should be selected by their desire
To allow us to strive for any goal we feel capable of obtaining
Than its doubtful you should participate in their selection
If you are not grateful to a country
That gave your father the opportunity to work
For his family to give you the things you have and you do not feel pride
Enough to fight for your right to continue in this
Manner than I assume the blame for your failure
To recognize the true value of our birthright

And I will remind you that your mother will love
you no matter what you do, because she is a woman
And I love you too son
But I also love our country and the principles for which we stand
And if you decide to burn your draft card
then burn your birth certificate at the same time
From that moment on, I have no son

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Disaster: Explosion Rocks The White House and Capital Hill

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An explosion named Jack Abramoff rocked The White House and Capital Hill yesterday, causing extensive damage with more to come. Much much much more.

The Abramoff virus spreads, multiplies, and mutates - is this the big one?

"The octopus of mayhem," Chris Matthews called the Abramoff scandal-crimewave-disaster tonight. Everyone complains that nothing sticks to this Administration. And with every new outrage it kind of seems like they're right. Here we go again. This one seems to be heating up with a little more intensity and butt-puckering fear among, possibly, scores of largely Republican congressmen. Huh huh huh. Delay, Hastert, and The President have even returned some money. Not all, but some.

President Bush unloads Abramoff contributions

Like many other politicians today, The President's re-election campaign is unloading the (now) dirty money they received from Jack Abramoff.

President Bush's re-election campaign is giving up $6,000 in campaign contributions connected to lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who faced more guilty pleas as part of a broad-ranging political corruption investigation. Even that dirtbag Tom DeLay hucked his Abramoff money over the fence to a charity.

I do note, however, that the Bush campaign is keeping more than $94,000 that Abramoff "raised." Only the $6,000 came directly from Jack; the rest of the money came from his organization. And they talked about Bill Clinton parsing words. . .

Click on the title of this post to read the entire sordid story...

Tom Tomorrow nails it on the head

click cartoon to enlarge for legibility...

This is Tom Tomorrow's take on corruption. He could have written it today, or fifty years ago... could anyone nail the Abramoff and DeLay fiascos any better than this (in only two panels out of the eight)with a couple of drawings and a few words?

The West Virginia Mine Disaster

I watched MSNBC last night, flipping off and on to other news channels. The last I'd heard about the miners in West Virginia was that there was little hope. Probes sent into the mine showed it was highly toxic with carbon monoxide. The rescuers had found one body, which gave a little more hope, perhaps, that the others had escaped. The Governor was at a church with the families of the miners. And incredibly, word came to the church that 12 of the remaining miners were rescued. A cheer went up. They sang a hymn of thanks. The church bells rang.

A couple hours later word came again. The last call was wrong. It wasn't one dead and 12 alive, it was 12 dead and one alive. And then the recriminations began over how someone could do that to the families (when it was clearly a terrible mistake).

The Governor was grilled by the press in an endless press conference, although he didn't seem to have anything to do with the false news reports. Apparently someone misunderstood communications between the rescuers and their command center, and, of course, the cell phone network was activated and the familes were told that unconfirmed story. I had flipped off the television, thinking "well, that's pretty cool. This doesn't happen very often." And when I turned it on later, the new news was that the miners has perished.

You always feel for the families, in these all too public tragedies, but this was especially painful. . .those moments of hope have to make the other moments even worse. It also reminds me of the enormous changes cell phones have had on our society, and world. You can't really analyze this; it just sucks. I never did like the Bee Gees or U2 songs about mine disasters either. . .


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sweet hitchhiker


Alien Lore 58 - KGB's secret UFO files finally made public

This information comes mainly from Pravda and MUFON.

Files from the famous "Blue Folder" have been declassified for some time now. The Soviet cosmonaut Pavel Popovich got the folder from the KGB in 1991. Today Comrade Popovich is the honorary president of the Academy of Informational and Applied Ufology.

The blue folder contains descriptions of UFO flights and reports on attempts taken by the military to engage and/or catch the aliens.

In 1968, 13 leading aircraft designers and engineers of a brand-new aircraft forwarded a letter to Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin. The letter requesed a organization dedicated to the study of UFOs. A reply to the letter was signed by an apparatchik, Shchukin.

"A number of competent organizations of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Chief Directorate of Meteorological Service, Defense Ministry and a few other agencies considered the issue of nature of the so-called flying objects. The organizations involved in the study of the atmosphere and space have been instructed to register and do research on any cases of UFOs for identification purposes. The USSR Academy of Sciences is charged with general monitoring of the phenomena, and therefore a special organization for the study of UFOs is not required."

Unlike the U.S., the Soviets appear to have acknowledged they were actively studying the UFO/Alien phenomenon.

Pavel Popovich was given the folder, a 124-page compilation of reports about encounters with UFOs filed by authorities, military units COs and eyewitnesses.

Mr. Popovich saw a UFO once while flying in a passenger plane from Washington to Moscow. According to him, the object looked like a shining triangle that popped up out of nowhere, for awhile it flew near the plane at about 600 miles per hour before vanishing.

Despite a cover letter denying any special program by the KGB for monitoring the UFOs, the contents of the folder indicated the opposite. The Soviet secret police launched investigations in several cases, and specifically one near Burkhala of the Magadan region in 1989. "The eyewitnesses claim to have watched a red shining sphere circulating above the village for half an hour." The northern lights are reported to have shone brightly all night long following the incident. The UFOs vanished after the explosion

KGB agents also studied what happened at the airport of the city of Mineralnye Vody on December 15, 1987. According to the airport dispatchers, at 23:15 flight No 65798 reported an "object resembling an aircraft with its headlights on." The radars showed no aircraft whatsoever. Three minutes later the UFO was gone.

The crew of another plane also observed the UFO flying in the area. The clock read approximately five minutes later. According to crewmembers, the UFO left a fiery trail in the air. The crews of the both planes reported that the UFO had disappeared after a flash resembling an explosion. A villager reported a burning plane flying over his village at 23.30. The eyewitness found no wreckage.

At times, the military tried to study UFOs independently. In August 1987, servicemen of an antiaircraft unit based on the Tiksi Peninsula tried to "get to know better" an unidentified flying object that appeared on a radar screen. Colonel Lobanov, duty officer of the military unit No 45038, said: "An unidentified target detected by the radar station of the commandant"s office of the antiaircraft unit at 05:45 Moscow time." The target moved speeds from 0 to 250 miles per hour. At 06.55 a helicopter took off for a closer examination of the object. Suddenly, the object became invisible. Another aircraft, the AN-12 flying in the vicinity at the time reported an emerald cloud with traces of purple and dark spots visible in the middle.

In 1987, five officers were dispatched to the northern part of Karelia in the Leningrad Military Region to accompany an object of unknown origin that had been located near the city of Vyborg. The object was said to be 50 feet long, 14 fee wide and 8 feet high. The military was never able to open the "extraterrestrial can." The object disappeared from the hangar late September. I don't know if its occupants awoke, someone stole the UFO, or it it just went up in smoke like a Mission Impossible recording...

On July 28, 1989, the arrival of an UFO spread panic among the personnel of a military unit stationed in the vicinity of Kapustin Yar, in the Astrakhan region. Corporal Valery Voloshin was on duty in the communications center at the time. He filed the first report on the case.

One of the documents from the "Blue Folder" describes a UFO encounter in 1984 in Turkestan Military District. Two fighters were scrambled, but all the attempts to shoot the UFO down failed. When the object was fired at, it descended down to one hundred meters above the ground to an altitude that made further firing by the fighters impossible. It is necessary to mention that despite the firing, the speed of the UFO did not change. During the flight the object passed above several military unit locations, and this made it possible to take photographs.

When the UFO approached the town of Krasnovodsk, a helicopter was scrambled to take another shot at downing the UFO. The saucer quickly climbed and hovered at an altitude that was inaccessible for the helicopter. After the pilots shot off all their ammunition the helicopter descended for landing; the UFO sharply changed its course and headed toward the open sea.

In 1985 a radar station under Captain L. Valuev in the Krasnovodsk region registered an unknown object at an altitude of 20,000 meters. Its dimension was about 1000 meters! The object did not move, but after some time a small disc having a diameter of approximately five meters flew out of the large object. This smaller disc-shaped UFO landed at the Krasnovodsk spit.

Patrol-boats of the Kaspian flotilla rushed to the landing place of the UFO, but when they approached it at a distance about 100 meters, the UFO took off and flew away for about a kilometre. Patrol-boats approached the UFO again, and it again flew away from them. The situation was repeated five times! Finally the object went up with tremendous speed. Its mark on the radar screen coincided with the mark of the mother craft, and then the large UFO flew into space.

The last document in the "Blue Folder" reports "On the 21st of March, 1990, officers in Alexandrovsky Town Department of Internal Affairs accepted a number of telephone calls from town and district residents about the appearance of unidentified flying objects in airspace.

"After obtaining more exact information it was established that rather large number of residents in the towns of Alexandrov, Strunino, Karabanov, villages Arsaki, Zhulino and in several other settlements became eyewitnesses of a UFO-and in several cases of two UFOs-on the 21st of March between 20:00 and 23:30. The flight of UFOs was accompanied by flashes of white light that followed one another after two or three seconds and resembled arc welding.

"But all eyewitnesses found difficulty in describing the appearance of the UFOs. In Karabanov one of the UFOs allegedly hovered above the Eternal Fire Memorial for the perished warriors, and a ray of light emitted from the object illuminated earth surface.

"A fighter piloted was scrambled towards the UFOs. He flew near one of the 'flying saucers' and saw against a background of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky town illumination 'a black body with two white flashing lights.'

"Shortly after the lieutenant colonel's report was published by the Soviet main military newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (The Red Star), it was confirmed in the report that the author had revealed by sight a target having two bright white flashing lights.

Photograph: John Newton Brummet 2nd

click image to enlarge

You can probably tell I've had a scanner around the last couple weeks. This seems to be a studio picture of John Newton Brummet, Jr. (1922-1964). I'm John Newton Brummet, Jr., or the 3rd. This photo was taken in his hometown, Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The shipwrecked White House: image of destruction

Click image to enlarge

Guilty!: Jack Abramoff goes down - faces up to 30 years in the hoosegow - dozens of legislators scared s***less - the canary is about to sing

Jack Abramoff, the now very well-known D.C. lobbyist, took a fall today for conspiracy, corrupting public officials (yeah, it's almost an oxymoron), fraud and tax evasion. In a plea deal, Abramoff admitted to crimes that could net him 30 years in the can. He will also plead guilty to similar charges in Federal court in Florida. You may recall that Abramoff was already in hot water over a fake wire transfer he used to secure a bank loan of $60 million.

Abramoff may have gone down, but it looks like he intends to bring down plenty of politicians to cushion the fall.

Once Abramoff begins singing, this could be the heaviest corruption case--ever. Some sources believe that Singin' Jack could take down as many as two dozens legislators (up to and including former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay).

Abramoff and his partner in crime, Michael Scanlon (who pleaded guilty last year), were also accused by prosecutors of conspiring to defraud Indian tribes in four states of millions of dollars.

OK, Jack, start naming names!


President: If somebody from al Qaeda is calling you, we'd like to know why

Yesterday, President Bush mounted his third defense in two weeks of his secret domestic espionage program. The President said that Americans understand this spying is protecting their security.

Government officials have said that perhaps thousands of people have been under surveillance.

"If somebody from al Qaeda is calling you, " The President said, "we'd like to know why."

Did The President overstep his constitutional authority and violate a law intended to prevent government spying on its citizens? We'll find out sometime soon. Maybe. Congress raised the volume on their criticism today.

Click on the title of this piece to read the entire story from The Washington Post.

Photograph of an Eisenhower-era child

click photograph to enlarge

Alien Lore 57 - UFO Crash During The First Iraq War

This posting from "a high level source" appears on numerous UFOlogy BBSs and websites. The original, of course, WAS IN ALL CAPS, which I converted with a handy text editor called NoteTab Pro. This item was posted on an British amateur radio packet bulletin board "for world wide consumption." It is, shall we say, lean on details. The author, who appears to have been an eye-witness, never makes clear his nationality, exactly who "the Colonel" or "Petrokov" were, or what his relationship was to them.


A high level source has revealed that an American Air Force F16 gunned down a UFO over Saudi Arabia during the "oration Desert Storm" war. Five nations are trying to cover up the encounter. I don't know all the details but I'm sure that when [garbled]. . .

The Saudis with me were so frightened that they asked American, British and French investigators to come to the crash site immediately.

The Colonel says he was visiting in Riyadh at the time and that he and a small Russian team were able to inspect the wreckage before American forces from Desert Storm arrived.

The craft was circular and made of a material I've never seen before, he says. About a third of it seemed to be missing--possibly blown away by the American missiles. The saudis wouldn't let us touch anything, but we saw instruments, machinery and other things that completely baffled us, he says. The markings on instrument panels and dials were not in any language he was familiar with. It seemed to be a relatively small craft, maybe 15 feet across, he says.

There were three chairs, probably for crew members, but they were so small they seemed to have been made for children. Evidently space aliens are only about three feet tall. Most amazing, though, is the fact that there were no bodies at the crash site, nor did there appear to be an engine in the craft.

The American missiles may have scored a direct hit on the engine, causing it to disintegrate, he says. ButIi checked with the Saudi radar technicians and they claim their instruments didn't show anyone ejecting or bailing out from the craft. Search helicopters were all over the area, which is a desert, and they did not spot any survivors in the vicinity of the crash.

During interviews with the radar technicians, Petrokov was told that the blip identified as the UFO appeared out of nowhere as four F16s were streaking toward Baghdad. One of the American planes broke from formation and headed for the UFO, he says. The alien craft started started moving southwest, away from the F16, and the American pilot gave chase. When the F16 was within three miles, the alien craft seemed to fire something at the plane but missed. The American then fired two missiles. Both hit the saucer. There was a teriffic explosion, and then the crash. When American investigators arrived, Petrokov says, he and his team were immediately ordered out of the area and flown back to Riyadh.

There were things they didn't want us to see--more, I think, than the fact that the craft was circular, that there were no survivors and that it was made of a foreign substance, he says.

Petrokov says members of his team were able to sneak pictures without the knowledge of the Saudis or Americans, but he was ordered to turn them over to Russian authorities the next day.

Petrokov says American Army engineers gathered up all debris and carted it away for shipment to the U.S.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Metaphysics Credentials

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In case you ever doubted my grip (OK, maybe it's a touch grip, that is) on questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation or analysis. . .my Doctor of Metaphysics credential.

Best President Bush quotes of 2005

"Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job." - This now famous line was on many people's quotes of the year list, in addition to being the punchline of hundreds of jokes, japes, and parodies. It was named on Thursday as U.S. President George W. Bush's most memorable phrase of 2005.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." - OK, this one is from 2004, but I can't let it die.

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." - President Bush explained his win-their-hearts-and-minds strategy in May.

"I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible?" - POTUS wrote to Secretary Rice during a U.N. Security Council meeting.

"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table." - The President said almost a year ago in Belgium.

"In terms of timetables, as quickly as possible - whatever that means." The President explained his timetable for passing Social Security legislation in March.

"Those who enter the country illegally violate the law." - POTUS explained, describing illegal immigrants in Tucson in December.

Happy New Year From The Brummets & Curran

Click photograph to enlarge

Bigfoot: Not Just In The Northwest U.S.

Bigfoot fever has come to Malaysia. The local 'papers and official news agency are reporting sightings of a Sasquatch in the southern rainforests.

Click on the title for a link to the Reuters story. . .

Poem: Mad Song

In the kitchen in repose
Tuna tap at their cans with power
Wheat rustles in golden rows
Inside the bag of flour

All the mirrors and windows
Are crumbling back to sand
The wooden floors moan and bruise
Everywhere I stand

Late at night cockroaches sing
Lined up in an all-star choir
Voices so low I can't hear a thing
But they seem to be getting higher.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's the New Year. . .how do you feel?

Write in and let us know how you're feeling today. I had a great night and I came home and even wrote a poem. There are many better nights to get drunk (at least 300). I was compos-mentis anyhow, at the end of the night.

Happy New Year Mister President!

Happy New Year Mister President!

Click image to enlarge

Poem: Reasons To Keep On

Reasons to keep on

We build crystal palaces
Outside our tarpaper shacks of dreams

They make each other gleam
In juxtaposition

You can't be sure about the next world
Or the ones beyond that

All is never lost
But often gets misplaced

It's better to sit in the sun
And think about

That Cold Island across the river
Than the other way around

Our toys do not matter
This is as good as it gets

And it may be this good
Or better tomorrow.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy new year to the Republican Party!

click image to enlarge

Chinese President Hu Jintao promises open development and work for peace

Chinese President Hu Jintao said in a New Year's speech that ". . .China's development is peaceful development, opening development, cooperative development and harmonious development."

"The Chinese people will develop ourselves by means of striving for a peaceful international environment, and promote world peace with our own development," Hu said in the address broadcast by China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television.

This doesn't seem like a bad way to start the New Year.

Click on the title of this post to link to the article on The Drudge Report.

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff about to cut deal with prosecutors

Federal prosecutors are wrapping up a plea deal with lobbyist Jack Abramoff that could be announced early next week, according to sources close to the negotiations.

The Associated Press reported the plea agreement "would secure the Republican lobbyist's testimony against several members of Congress who received favors from him or his clients."

This deal has to make a lot of congress pretty nervous. The lobbyist contributed millions in casino income to congressional campaigns, routing the money through political action committees (e.g., PACs) to conservative lawmakers. Abramoff also provided trips, sports skybox fundraisers, golf fees, meals, entertainment and jobs for lawmakers' relatives (ed. note: and probably prostitutes, shares of stock, bets, drugs, sex trips to Bangkok, and other illegal activities, as well).

Sources have speculated that up to a couple dozen legislators may be caught in Abramoff's snare when he finally rats out his old pals. He has greased congress up one side and down the other, and congress is experiencing an extreme case of the willies at the thought that Abramoff is about to begin singing.

This may be wishful thinking, but is this just the first nail in the coffin for a Republican-dominated Congress? I think we're up to the first row of nails by now...

Drawing: Lines

Click drawing to enlarge. . .

I've worked on this drawing called Lines sporadically over the last couple of months...

Poem: Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

There's a conspiracy in his cerebral cortex
Our friend is trapped in the middle

Caught on the barnacled reef
Of his skirmishing selves

He swings at the circle of gnashing teeth
His oars are chomped down to the stub

He sends mass prayers
To all the known deities

Up to and including old God himself
who remains characteristically silent.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Presidents Bush and Chirac, and Queen Elizabeth II F*** For Peace!

Following up on the EuroPART scandal we (and a couple dozen others) reported yesterday, another picture has surfaced depicting the world leaders Chirac, Elizabeth II and W, having a grand old time while keeping Anglo-Franco-American relations on track.


Alien Lore 56 - Washington, D.C. invaded by UFOs

Not long after the events of Roswell, the Mount Rainier UFO sightings, and Socorro, UFOs made a showy presence for the leaders of the free world. In 1952, UFOs buzzed the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon. Yes, these UFOs, presumably piloted by aliens, or Greys, seemed to be thumbing their noses (if they had noses) at the institutions we thought kept us safe.

Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base picked up a number of UFOs on their radar screens on July 19, 1952. These sightings seemed to trigger a wave of sightings that no one has ever been able to explain.

At Washington National Airport, air traffic controller Ed Nugent [Ted's dad?] saw seven blips on his radar screen. No planes were supposed to be there. He brought in his boss and said jokingly, "Here's a fleet of flying saucers for you." In the tower's glass-enclosed top floor, another controller saw a strange blip streaking across his radar screen. It wasn't a bird. It wasn't a plane. What was it? He looked out the window and spotted a bright light hovering in the sky.

From the Washington Post, July 19, 1952: "Air Force spokesmen said yesterday only that an investigation was being made into the sighting of the objects on the radar screen in the CAA Air Route Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport, and on two other radar screens.

"Methods of the investigations were classified as secret, a spokesman said. 'We have no evidence they are flying saucers; conversely we have no evidence they are not flying saucers. We don't know what they are,' the spokesman added. "

click newspaper to enlarge

From the Washington Post, July 28, 1952:

"Military secrecy veils an investigation of the mysterious, glowing aerial objects that showed up on radar screens in the Washington area Saturday night for the second consecutive week.

"A jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base.

"The CAA reported reported the objects traveled at 'predominantly lower levels'--about 1700 feet. "


Thursday, December 29, 2005

Painting: Lines 2

click painting to enlarge

This painting comes from a drawing I did recently, that I ran through a couple of photoshop filters... /jack

Sex Pictures Of President Bush, President Chirac, And Queen Elizabeth

Click image to enlarge

400 Vienna billboards showing Britain's Queen Elizabeth "performing The Act" with U.S. and French Presidents Bush and Chirac are causing a bit of consternation as Austria prepares to assume the rotating European Union leadership. I can't tell from several sources how many of the billboards actually contain this, or the two other supposedly offensive images.

The posters show two naked female models with President George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and a male with a President Jacques Chirac in masks, engaging in an act they appear to wholeheartedly enjoy.

Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel begged the artists to pull the billboards(that's going to happen, eh?). The euroPART series posters were created by EU member country artists to "reflect different social, historical and political developments in Europe." It seems like they did their jobs!

The poster contest sponsor received $1.2 million from the Austrian government to commission the art. 3/150 images have triggered the media/political backlash. The poster series will be shown throughout January, 2006. Let us see the other two!

Spying and Lying: ACLU Demands Special Counsel Investigate President Bush

The ACLU ran the following advertisement in today's New York Times, demanding a special counsel investigate illegal domestic spying against President George W. Bush:

Click image to enlarge


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Painting: The Missing Link, Or, Another Piece Of Intelligent Design

This painting reflects on Intelligent Design, Darwinism, our (alleged!) cousins the chimps, apes, monkeys, and orangutangs, and on women in bathing suits and how men would probably still be attracted to them even if they came with the head of an orangutang...

Click image to enlarge

Painting: Self-Portrait No. 8

Click painting to enlarge

Poem: The Moon Race

The race was on
Movie star Jack Kennedy
Vs. shoe pounding Nikita Kruschev

We raced 226,000 miles
Toward that pale toenail
Charging hell-bent for leather

To claim title
With Old Glory or the Hammer And Sickle
And impale the moon on a dusty pole

The paramecium of the Milky Way
We wind in time and untick in the heavens
Under the weather and under the gun.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

President Bush Says "F*** You!" To The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

A United Press International story dated December 26, 2005 says that POTUS decided to blow off warrants for international wiretaps "because the court was challenging him at an unprecedented rate. " Click on the post title to go to the UPI article.