Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Six years ago today on All This Is That, we saluted Mark Felt, hero

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor
Poster by Jack Brummet

It was about six years ago today that Mark Felt finally came out of the closet and admitted publicly that he was Deep Throat.  His work with Woodward and Bernstein and a lot of other strangely converging forces were responsible for driving Richard Nixon from office in 1974.


Spiderman rides an Ostrich

I don't know who made this, or where it's from, but he seems like one brave (and jockey-light) Spiderman. . .


Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Republican-Tea Party Catapults Rudy Giuliani into first place

By Pablo Fanque
All This Is That National Affairs Editor

This is a mind-f***er of all mind-f***ers!  In the jangled, early scramble for the GOP Presidential nomination, seemingly out of nowhere, Rudy Giuliani has suddenly--and barely--become the front runner!  He's hardly even said he was thinking of running.  But somehow the withdrawals of Huckabee, Crist, and Trump, not to mention the near total collapse of the Newt Gingrich "campaign" have catapulted Crazy Rudy to the top of the rockpile.  Who knows what next week's polls will show, now that Sarah Palin's actions indicate she is about to leap in?

But Rudy?  Have the Republican-Tea Party voters forgotten how quickly his candidacy self-immolated last time around?

The results of the current CNN poll (Gingrich didn't even clear 10% this time):

Giuliani 16%
Romney 15%
Palin      13%
Paul       10%

The poll has a 4.5% margin of error...in short, these "front-runners" are all basically in a dead-heat for first place.

Faces No. 213 - small claims court plaintiffs

Drawing by Jack Brummet

click to enlarge

Faces No. 212 - purgatory, or, work?

By Jack Brummet
[original analog pen and ink on 2'x2' canvas, digitized, and et cetera'd]

click to enlarge

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mm hmm

What Are YOU doing For The Rapture? Uh, waiting for the sequel

click to enlarge

California preacher and Doomsday theorist Harold Camping said earlier this week that his prophecy of world's end was off by five months.  In fact, he said, The Rapture will actually occur on October 21.  This is handy for the Reverend Camping--he gets five more months to extract cash from the gullible Rapturians.  The 89-year old Camping, said he was "astounded" when The Raptire failed to materialize last Saturday.  And, of course, he has some new theories.  One theory he postulated is that God did not want mankind to suffer for five months, and will thus end the world on October 21st.  Camping also told reporters that God did in fact visit the Earth on May 21st. . .not physically, but spiritually.