Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Which Seattle Police will show up at May Day tomorrow?

By Mona Goldwater, Seattle Metro Ed.

Which Seattle Police will show up at May Day tomorrow?  Will it be the White Hats or the Dark Hats?  In theory we will see balanced, proportional responses to any trouble from the crowd, or the "anarchists."

The SPD should be ready...they've been training for this for five weeks.  And thinking about it for a year, after their flubbed responses last time around.


Poem: Mission Statement, 2

By Jack Brummet
You don't need to see
A discounted cash flow analysis.

You only need to know
If the right people are in your pocket,

And, if not, whom should be bought off,
Scared off, or bumped off?

Poem: No Exit

By Jack Brummet

Once you grab a tiger by the tail,
You can never let it go.

Poem: Who Am I Today?

By Jack Brummet

I'm no longer the Jack
I was in 2006. Each cell

Is replaced every seven years--
My brain rewires itself

And the new circuits
Sing in a synaptic chorus line.

I don't know if I will wake up
As The Fuhrer,

Bishop Tutu,
Or something in between.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Poem: 3 A.M.

By Jack Brummet

The house is still as a painted boat
On a painted sea,

Quiet as the pond
In Monet's Water Lilies,

And as dark
As Mephistopheles' rectum.

Poem: The Man In The Mirror

By Jack Brummet

There's a civil war in his head:
Lobe against lobe.

Poem: Mission Statement

By Jack Brummet

The Army has two duties
Break things, and kill people; 

Everything else 
Is fluff and overhead.---o0o---

Paul Bunyan's Cook Shanty in Wisconsin

By Jack Brummet

The wonderful signage of Paul Bunyan's Cook Shanty.  This is one of my favorite Paul Bunyan monuments.  The restaurant has locations in both Wisconsin Dells and Minocqua. Wisconsin.

Paul Bunyan Restaurant – Wisconsin Dells
411 Hwy 13
Wisconsin Dells, WI  53965

Paul Bunyan Restaurant – Minocqua

8653 Hwy 51 N.
Minocqua, WI  54548

Poem: Limits

By Jack Brummet 

We like to believe
We can endure anything for five minutes.

But that theory—cooked up
In your hermetic study or bedroom—

Comes apart at the seams 
When you imagine being on fire,

Or having crows feast
Upon your eyes.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Poem: Gone Fishing

By Jack Brummet

As the forests swamps and bones
Turn slowly to coal
The last pterodactyl
Soars overhead
Calling for a friend.

Poem: Counter-insurgency

By Jack Brummet 

You think one thing,
Say another,
And do a third.

Faces No. 439: in the break room

By Jack Brummet

[24" x 24", ink on strange semi-opaque acrylic "cloth"]
