Thursday, October 03, 2013

Benazir Bhutto: three views

By Jack Brummet

[100% digital art]


Poem: Turning

By Jack Brummet


The host and tenant lock
In benign equilibrium.

Each valley is followed by a slope.
Every going followed by a return.

There is no relief without an ache,
And no virus without a host.

Bricks tumble into the moat.
The king's body hangs naked from the flagpole.

For a fleeting moment
The condition for change exists.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Poem: The listing freighter in the harbor at Kato Zakris

By Jack Brummet

Down the hill from the ruins
Of the Minoan palace at Kato Zakris
A battered and rusting old freighter showed up

Six months ago,
With a Pakistani crew
And flying the Egyptian flag.

None of the locals knows
Quite what went wrong.
They do know the ship is still here,

Anchored 30 meters offshore,
Rusting and listing in the harbor,
Waiting for indeterminate repairs

After running into some nebulous “trouble.”
So they parked her, where she sits today,
To the locals’ chagrin,

Waiting for Euros, parts, or a new owner.
No one quite seems to know.
There may or may not be a crew on board

As she slowly rusts away
And begins listing even more.
Someone will either show up with cash and parts,

Or the crew will slowly drift away
And they will eventually tow it out
And scuttle it in the Aegean.

My waiter told me “It was interesting
The first day, after that it’s a scar
We hope goes away soon.”


Poem: The Clock

By Jack Brummet

The fast hand sloughs seconds
Onto the clock dial, tugging
Hours and minutes along
As time burnishes our masks.

A paring of grey moonshell
Wheels over our shoulders,
Waltzing a sea surge
Across the ocean floor.

Under a red sun, night retracts its stars.
Starfish lounge on rocks,
The sun in Japan sinks
In water at sight's end,

Flares of light appear
In the opposing hemisphere,
And earth surrenders its heat,
Trading degrees with the shifting winds.

Countries I've visited

Sign: Keep off my property (vintage)

[date and photographer unknown]


The Statue of Liberty in Madison Square Park

By Jack Brummet, American History Ed.

The arm and torch of the Statue of Liberty was on exhibit in Madison Square Park from 1876-1882 to raise $$$ for the completion of the statue. In 1982, it was moved to what is now called Liberty Island and attached to the rest of the Statue of Liberty. 


Painting: Soup

By Jack Brummet

[100% analog.  Acrylic on stretched canvas]


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Digital art: The Brambles

by Jack Brummet 

click to enlarge

Eleven photos of Curt Cobain

[Sent in by readers, found on the internet and selected by Mona Goldwater]

on the organ, Aberdeen, Wash.


NY Daily News calls the House of Representatives the "House of Turds"

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Ed.

This Affordable Care Act battle/government shutdown has been well-reported and the finger pointing is now well underway.  Rather than contribute to the stream, we're just reprinting the Daily News' cogent front cover from this morning.


Kurt Cobain on the organ

Kurt Cobain on the organ, circa mid 70's.
