Monday, November 18, 2013

Sand in my boots in Colombia

Shell shock/sand in my boots. We just got back from four days off the grid on a most peaceful respite in La Matuy. We lived In palapas on the beach and the only thing we had to do every day was show up for meals. Fruit, yucca, amazing local fish, always eaten outdoors and under the stars. One notable rum and Malbec fueled night after dinner, laughing until late with new Irish and Canadian friends. Mostly though working in Spanglish with Col tourists and staff. 

These were the calmest, happiest, most healing and tranquil days of vacation I have ever spent in my life. 

And now we are in beautiful Cartegna. I'm kind of enjoying being a little connected and having more than candlelight--but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Police roadblocks in Colombia

By Jack Brummet, South American Travel Ed.

On our seven hour journey from Palomino to Cartagena, we were stopped in numerous policia roadblocks/inspections--both local and federale.  

On our way there, we saw none.  I don't know if it's random or there was some triggering event.  This area is very close to Venezuela and we have heard there are problems with smuggling from there.  

Maybe I've seen too many movies, but you sort of half expect something to go wrong and for the shooting to begin.  And you therefore sit very still, obedient, with as pleasant a mug as you can muster.  And it's all fine in the end.  

I know we probably wouldn't be able to visit this great place without the strides they have made wiping out the warlords and narco-cartels.

Faces No. 547 - Colombia

By Jack Brummet

- drawn in Bogota, San Gil, and La Matuy
