Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Drawing: Mt. Rainier at midnight

By Jack Brummet

click to enlarge


The Doors' Jim Morrison melts down again in Seatte, ca 1970

By Jack Brummet, Music History Ed.

There is a very good piece on John Densmore's website on The Doors final appearance in Seattle. It was a disaster (as was their previous appearance at a festival). 

Only 5,000 seats in the Coliseum were filled. At one point Morrison claims, "You know, I haven't been to Seattle in about two years; And good riddance they say." The audience corrected him, reminding him of last year's Seattle Pop Festival (another disaster).  He then asked "Was it a year ago?" 

According to my friend Francis, the audience was unrelenting and kept calling out for "Light My Fire," which he swore he would never perform again.  The audience was also asking him to "Play Miami" referring to the show and his subsequent arrest for indecent exposure.  Jim tried to infuse some humor into the situation with, "Well you know, driving into Seattle from the airport... Seattle reminds you of a late 1930s version of twenty years in the future. You know what I mean?!

Francis said he was pissed both figuratively (e.g., very drunk) and literally.  The power was pulled in the middle of a song, and The Doors walked off stage.
