Sunday, September 06, 2015

Frank Gehry explains how he feels about his critics

The architect Frank Gehry loses his patience at a press conference. Asked how he felt about people calling his buildings a "spectacle", he stared for a couple of seconds before extending his middle finger. 

Gehry went on to say that 98 per cent of the world's buildings are "pure sh*t," and that the designers had "no sense of design, no respect for humanity or for anything else."


Saturday, September 05, 2015

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Digital art: Ice

By Jack Brummet

[Terraform created in Terragen, then processed further in Photoshop]


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Friday, August 28, 2015

Poem: The 1950's

By Jack Brummet

The 1950s were about
The American Jitters: The Day The Earth Stood Still
Huntley Brinkley, The Thing, Ed Murrow, The Blob
Fidel, Godzilla, Senator Joe McCarthy, Gorgo
Who will own the moon,
Wild-eyed Nikita pounded his loafers on TV
As he promised to bury us,
The Cold War ignited on Ike's watch,
Jack Kennedy inherited the residue,
Alarms shrieked duck and cover,
Dad was in the basement,
Sandbagging the jam closet,
And caching beans and gasoline.
We scared ourselves for good
And grew up to fear nothing but nothing itself.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

poem: The Cover-up

By Jack Brummet

The logical beauty of cover-up theories
Is they can never actually be refuted,

But snowball with every new telling.
The absence of facts

Further inflames the conspiracy theory:
The lack of facts

Points to the utter, diabolical
Efficacy of the cover-up.
