Doug Forrester, in a follow-up interview about the election with New Jersey's Star-Ledger, directly blamed The President for his loss in the governor's race.
Forrester told a reporter that Bush's rapidly declining popularity made it impossible for his campaign to overcome the "built-in advantage Democrats have" in a blue state like New Jersey.
"If Bush's numbers were where they were . . .even six months ago, I think we would have won on Tuesday," Forrester said. "Katrina was the tipping point."
The President did all this from a distance. President Bush was one of the very few high-profile Republicans that were not asked to campaign for Forrester.
OK. I'm perfectly willing to slag POTUS with this one. But come on, Dougie. . .you lost this on your own. Sure the Prez cost you some votes, but don't let that convince you that you didn't suck out on the hustings or that Senator Corzine didn't whip your ass fair and square!
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