Friday, December 09, 2005

Moron, Imbecile, Idiot Defined

The development of the IQ test was followed by a classification system that used terms to describe degrees of impairment:

Moron (51–70 IQ)
Imbecile (26–50 IQ)
Idiot (0–25 IQ).

These terms were later softened and the classifications redefined.

somewhat to mild retardation (55–70)
moderate (40–54),
severe (25–39)
profound (0–24) retardation.

The phrase mentally retarded itself, although still used, has been replaced in some settings by the term developmentally disabled.


Anonymous said...

Where do land if you are brain dead?

Keekee Brummet said...

I guess that would be really profound retardation?