Not long ago, searches for photos of Fred Thompson's wife, Jeri Kehn Thompson soared to the top of various search sites "most popular searches," along with the usual suspects. . .whoever got into hot water that week, and whoever was in the news for whatever reason (often folks like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Anna Nicole Smith, Osama bin Laden, Scooter Libby, and other "newsmakers" or news-victims).

Our article on June 26, Meet the Thompson Twins: Fred Thompson's wife, Jeri Kehn (with photos) was high on the Technorati list of searches for Jeri Kehn, and even now, three weeks later, about 50 people a day stop to look at the post.

The rumbling has quieted down somewhat, as people have learned that Kehn is a smart attorney who has consulted for the G.O.P. and worked for one of the largest political consulting firms in Washington. The speculation now focuses on whether the G.O.P., the neo-cons, and the red state denizens can accept a smart, good looking first lady who barely looks 40 years old alongside a husband who looks every day of his 64 years. Let's not even go into their tans!

Only a handful of Jeri Kehn photos are extant, and many of them are not photos of her at all. When the Kehn story first broke, there was an explosion on blogs and websites of people debating whether or not she would be a fit first lady, whether she was "just a trophy wife," and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough (a conservative I normally like) speculated that she might "work the pole." This might have been Scarborough's Don Imus moment, but somehow he survived this execrable moment of misogynism.
SCARBOROUGH: Have you seen Fred Thompson's wife?
CRAWFORD: Oh, yeah.
SCARBOROUGH: You think she thinks she works the pole?
CRAWFORD: That's what a Hollywood career will do for you, I guess.
SCARBOROUGH: What do you mean?
CRAWFORD: You get wives like that.
The last photo on this posting is Lorrie Morgan, not Jeri Thompson.
Yes! I knew it wasn't Jeri Kehn Thompson, but as I mentioned three web sites and one blog specifically said it was her.
So, I've removed the picture. And I have absolutely no idea who Lorrie Morgan is. A B actress? A local television personality? Ah, a country singer!
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