Thursday, November 25, 2004

Grope me!

Judging from articles appearing this week about passengers being aggressively frisked at airports, I can now look forward to to being man-handled by the TSA guys in blue jackets.

"The airlines are required to randomly select a certain number of passengers for closer inspection. Passengers who wear loose clothing are more apt to receive a pat down, as are travelers who set off metal detector alarms or exhibit suspicious behavior..."[from the web site]

I am so screwed on this one. I wear loose clothing, I guess (or do they mean loose middle-eastern clothing like djellabas, etc?). Ever since I had an arthoplasty (hip replacement), my stainless steel hip seems to trigger the alarms. And suspicious behavior? Since I am scared s***less of flying, everything about me at an airport is suspicious, and to most eyes, I would surely appear non compos mentis, e.g., nutty as a fruitcake.

To make it even worse, "The TSA requires female screeners pat down women; male screeners check men." This whole thing would be a little more palatable if it wasn't some GUY giving me the once over. I'll let you know what happens the next time I fly. /jack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me too - my metal hip always sets them off now!