Friday, December 10, 2004

Would You Put An Anti-gun Bumper Sticker On Your Car?

Writing about repealing the second amendment seemed to bring out the passions in folk. I got a bunch of comments, and a bunch of direct emails about that piece. Virtually all were against gun control, and very against repealing the second amendment. Several people said--and some were clearly bright & not nut cases--that the more guns people carry, the safer we are.

Over the years, I have had a lot of strange bumper stickers. I've never had the nerve to put a Repeal The Second Amendment bumper sticker on, 'though. Is that just me being paranoid? I don't actually think someone would take a shot. Well, maybe a little. On the other hand, whether they had a gun or not, when we're on the road, we're behind the wheel of the deadliest weapon that exists. . .at least according to the fatalities. . .

The FBI's Crime in the United States Report estimated that 67% of the 16,503 murders in 2003 were committed with firearms, or, over 10,000 murders. /jack


Anonymous said...

My thoughts on the 2nd ammendment is conflicted to be sure. There is a belief on my part that it should exist for one of the reasons that the architects of the Constitution had presented it. Simply put it is for the protection of citizens IF the government ever is pitted against the people, we would then be able to defend our families and ourselves.

But the sheer amount of non regulation is ridiculous, I get my balls busted everytime I want to PULL A FISH OUT OF WATER!..I need all my papers in order etc.. etc.. If I actually shot a fish in a barrel, they would give me more grief if I had the permit for that particular barrel.Why do they make getting a driver's license harder to get than a gun? Both in the wrong hands can kill people..In the right, hands they are mostly safe.

I just feel that an extreme of going away with firearms is not needed, but we do have to make obtaining them an education process. You need certification, with STUDY and TESTING.

Anonymous said...

That's funny Jack! I've never seen a gun control bumper sticker. Hmmmmm.....