Wednesday, March 30, 2005

$25,000 Worth of Ann Coulter

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Click on the title to link to a news article about her talk at KU last night.

Some samples from her talk at a Kansas university last night: In her opening remarks, she promised to answer questions from liberals, if they can "thrash their way to a coherent thought." "I've come to find I like liberals a lot more," Coulter said. "They're kind of cute when they're cold, shivering and afraid."

When hecklers began yelling at her she said: "I think there are some people in the audience who meant to be at the sexual reorientation class down the hall." And then, she sent a few bullnecks out to clean up the hecklers: "Could 10 of the largest College Republicans start walking up and down the aisles and start removing anyone shouting?" Coulter asked, "otherwise, this lecture is over."

Several people responded, leaving their seats to confront the hecklers, and verbal confrontations erupted in parts of the auditorium. Coulter resumed her critical remarks, calling Sen. Ted Kennedy a "human dirigible" and the Democrats' "spiritual leader." She also made fun of the Democrats' dalliance with filmmaker Michael Moore and former presidential candidate John Kerry, who she said got away with telling "big, fat, enormous lies."

She also blasted the nation's judicial system for its handling of the Terri Schiavo case. "We no longer have a single check on the judiciary," she said.

Coulter was paid $25,000 for her appearance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One might as well send a facile demagogue like Coulter out to face the lions of the campus left, because if one confronted them with reasoned appeals and facts they'd still be disruptive and scream vapid rhetoric and bumper sticker slogans in your face.

As a Canadian, I find her lack of historical knowledge (both American and international) distressing but comical. She lacks gravitas but not personality - if one must send someone to address the peanut gallery, why not send a gutsy, intellectual peanut.