Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight::::Rove, POTUS, And The G.O.P. Hit A Patch Of Ice That Horrifyingly Transmogrifies Into A Full-Blown Glacier

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I actually felt kind of sorry for The President earlier this week, when he announced he would need to use the military to enforce a quarantine if the feared avian 'flu pandemic materialized. These guys can't catch a break anymore. The horshoe is upside down, and their luck is running out. It looks like Chief Justice Roberts may be the last success story in this administration. . .

The President faces using armed military personnel to keep people quarantined!!!!!! At gunpoint!!!!!! Under severe restrictions that have to include suspending portions of the Bill of Rights, including the first, second, fourth, eighth, and tenth amendments to The Constitution

Depending on just which gun nuts, libertarians, and knuckledraggers rise up, this could means gunning down thousands of suddenly dissident Americans. The images would be horrifying! And what choice would he have!? Isolate the outbreak or let it run wild? Will he need to suspend the contitution, or at least declare martial law? Round up all the firearms in the area of quarantine? None of it is pretty, and it could be the last chapter of the story in which this Presidency has fallen deeper and deeper into the outhouse.


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