As Time Magazine said, "[these photographs] are likely to see the light of day eventually because celebrity tabloids are on the prowl for them. And that has been a fear of the Bush team's for the past several months..."
According to a reliable source on the Vice-President's staff, "The Veep, POTUS, and Abramoff were having dinner and drinking bourbon at Abramoff's restaurant. They played various drinking games, blah blah blah, things seriously degenerated and finally, on a dare, The President stripped to his briefs and danced for a small crowd of officials and Secret Service agents."
Photo by Jonathan Schwarz.
LOL Jack - you think you're mom had a tough time with the repub wackos. If this doesn't get swept up by the NSA and get the Bushies after you, nothing will...
I keep daring them to show up! But they never do. . .and not surprisingly. . .you've got millions of people on the internet already taking shots at George Bush and his stooges. I bet they keep pretty well-occupied with the death threats and serious nutjobs, let alone racking down cranky but upstanding middle-Americans like me. /jb
Nice pic! Are those his boys in those briefs, or has Mr. Abramoff been stuffing bills in there?
Well, we can say one thing, the Prez is packing some pretty serious timber in those silk briefs. It might give pause to the needle-dicked monarchs and elected hacks who want to mess with us. Good show PreZ!
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