Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Jesusland in jeopardy? Pat Robertson retracts another statement

Pat Robertson, the American telenazi and leader of the evangelical Taliban, is now backing off from statements he made earlier that Israeli Prime Minister Sharon was smitten with a stroke by God in retribution for withdrawing from Gaza and moving real estate lines around in the Holy Land.

Why would the Reverend back off? You may have guessed: $$$.

Pat is frantically apologizing everywhere in sight to save his $50 million plan for a biblical theme park--Jesusland--in Galilee.

Jesusland's future was already a little shaky, due to esthetic and development issues. A statement from Robertson headquarters says that he was merely pointing out the Old Testament perspective on the division of Israel. Avi Hartuv, a spokesman for Israel’s tourism minister, said: "We will not do business with him."

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